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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

DocumentFormat Fields

A document format.
Name Description
Doc static MS Word 97-2003 binary file format.
Docm static Office Open XML WordprocessingML macro-enabled document.
Dot static Word 97-2007 template.
Dotm static Office Open XML WordprocessingML macro-enabled template.
Dotx static Office Open XML WordprocessingML macro-free template.
ePub static EPUB® - standard format for electronic books and other digital publications. Limited support.
FlatOpc static Microsoft Word XML Document file format.
FlatOpcMacroEnabled static Microsoft Word XML Macro-Enabled Document file format.
FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplate static Open Packaging Conventions Office Open XML Macro-Enabled Template file format.
FlatOpcTemplate static Microsoft Word XML Template file format.
Html static The HTML format.
Mht static The MHT format - web page archive format used to save HTML code with resources represented by external links (images etc.), in a single file
OpenDocument static The OpenDocument text format (.odt, implemented by office suite).
OpenXml static The OpenXML file format (aka default MS Office 2007 format or .docx)
PlainText static The plain text format.
Rtf static The Rich Text Format (RTF).
Undefined static The document’s format is undefined.
WordML static The WordprocessingML format (.xml, implemented in MS Office 2003).
See Also