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SubDocument.InsertTable(DocumentPosition, Int32, Int32, AutoFitBehaviorType) Method

Obsolete. Inserts a blank table with the specified number of rows and columns at the specified position.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v14.2.Core.dll


[Obsolete("This method has become obsolete. Use the 'DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TableCollection.Create(DocumentPosition pos, int rowCount, int columnCount, AutoFitBehaviorType autoFitBehavior)' method instead.")]
Table InsertTable(
    DocumentPosition pos,
    int rowCount,
    int columnCount,
    AutoFitBehaviorType autoFitBehavior
<Obsolete("This method has become obsolete. Use the 'DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.TableCollection.Create(DocumentPosition pos, int rowCount, int columnCount, AutoFitBehaviorType autoFitBehavior)' method instead.")>
Function InsertTable(
    pos As DocumentPosition,
    rowCount As Integer,
    columnCount As Integer,
    autoFitBehavior As AutoFitBehaviorType
) As Table


Name Type Description
pos DocumentPosition

A DocumentPosition at which a table is inserted.

rowCount Int32

An integer specifying the number of rows in a new table.

columnCount Int32

An integer specifying the number of columns in a new table.

autoFitBehavior AutoFitBehaviorType

An AutoFitBehaviorType enumeration value, specifying how the column widths are calculated.


Type Description

A Table interface specifying the newly inserted table.

See Also