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ReadOnlyTextProperties Members

An interface implementing the text properties accessed by the DocumentIterator.


Name Description
AllCaps Gets whether all characters in the current DocumentText object are capital letters. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
BackColor Gets the background color of characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
DoubleFontSize Gets the font size of characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontBold Gets whether the characters in the current DocumentText object are bold. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontItalic Gets whether the characters in the current DocumentText object are italicized. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontName Gets the name of a font applied to characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontNameAscii Gets the name of the font for Unicode (U+0000–U+007F) characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontNameComplexScript Gets the font name for Complex Script characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontNameEastAsia Gets the font name used to format East Asian characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontNameHighAnsi Gets the name of the font for High ANSI characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
FontSize Gets the character(s) font size. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
ForeColor Gets the foreground color of characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
Hidden Gets whether characters in the current DocumentText object are hidden. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
HighlightColor Gets the text’s highlight color. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
KerningThreshold Gets the minimum font size for which the kerning is adjusted automatically. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
Position Gets the position of characters (in points) relative to the base line. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
Scale Gets the font’s scaling percentage. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
Script Gets the type of script applied to characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
SmallCaps Gets whether all characters are small capital letters. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
SnapToGrid Indicates whether the characters are snapped to a grid when the grid is defined. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
Spacing Gets the spacing (in points) between characters. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
StrikeoutColor Gets the color of the strikeout line. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
StrikeoutType Gets the type of the strikeout applied to characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
StrikeoutWordsOnly Gets whether all characters in the current DocumentText object are struck out. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
StyleName Gets the name of a style applied to characters in the current DocumentText object.
ThemeFontAscii Gets the the theme font for Unicode (U+0000–U+007F) characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontComplexScript Gets the theme font for Complex Script characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontEastAsia Gets the theme font used to format East Asian characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
ThemeFontHighAnsi Gets the theme font for High ANSI characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
UnderlineColor Gets the color of the underline applied to characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
UnderlineType Gets the type of the underline applied for characters in the current DocumentText object. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
UnderlineWordsOnly Gets whether all non-space characters in the current DocumentText object are underlined with a single line. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
Visible Gets whether all characters in the current DocumentText object are visible. Inherited from ReadOnlyTextPropertiesBase.
See Also