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.NET Framework 4.5.2+

CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection Interface

Represents a collection of the custom cell in-place editors assigned to worksheet cells.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v19.2.Core.dll


public interface CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection :


Use the Worksheet.CustomCellInplaceEditors property to return the CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection collection.

To assign a custom in-place editor of a particular type to a specific cell range in a worksheet, use the CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection.Add method. To remove the specified custom cell in-place editor(s) from the collection, use the CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection.Remove or CustomCellInplaceEditorCollection.RemoveAt method.

For details on how to use custom editors for in-place editing of cell content, refer to the How to: Assign Custom In-place Editors to Worksheet Cells example.


' Use a date editor as the in-place editor for cells located in the "Order Date" column of the worksheet table.
Dim dateEditRange As CellRange = worksheet("Table[Order Date]")
worksheet.CustomCellInplaceEditors.Add(dateEditRange, CustomCellInplaceEditorType.DateEdit)

' Use a combo box editor as the in-place editor for cells located in the "Category" column of the worksheet table.
' The editor's items are obtained from a cell range in the current worksheet.
Dim comboBoxRange As CellRange = worksheet("Table[Category]")
worksheet.CustomCellInplaceEditors.Add(comboBoxRange, CustomCellInplaceEditorType.ComboBox, ValueObject.FromRange(worksheet("J3:J9")))

' Use a check editor as the in-place editor for cells located in the "Discount" column of the worksheet table.
Dim checkBoxRange As CellRange = worksheet("Table[Discount]")
worksheet.CustomCellInplaceEditors.Add(checkBoxRange, CustomCellInplaceEditorType.CheckBox)

' Use the custom control (SpinEdit) as the in-place editor for cells located in the "Quantity" column of the worksheet table.
' To provide the required editor, handle the CustomCellEdit event. 
Dim customRange As CellRange = worksheet("Table[Qty]")
worksheet.CustomCellInplaceEditors.Add(customRange, CustomCellInplaceEditorType.Custom, "MySpinEdit")
See Also