SnapDocumentServer Events
A non-visual reporting engine providing all the functionality of Snap.Name | Description |
AfterDataSourceImport | Occurs after importing a data source. |
AfterExport | Occurs after the document is successfully exported. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
AsynchronousOperationFinished | Occurs after finishing an asynchronous operation in a separate thread. |
AsynchronousOperationStarted | Occurs after starting an asynchronous operation in a separate thread. |
BeforeConversion | Occurs before a snap document is exported to format other than the native .SNX. |
BeforeDataSourceExport | Occurs before exporting a data source. |
BeforeEncodingDetection | Occurs before detection of the loaded plain text or HTML encoding. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
BeforeExport | Occurs before the document is saved (exported to a certain format). Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
BeforeImport | Occurs before a document is loaded (imported from an external source). Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
BeforeLoadCustomAssembly | Occurs when the a report template (.snx file) is loaded which contains the Entity Framework data source originated from a compiled assembly. |
BeforePagePaint | Enables you to specify a custom PagePainter descendant to alter the way the layout elements are drawn. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
CalculateDocumentVariable | Fires when the DOCVARIABLE field is updated. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
CommentInserted | Occurs after a new comment is created in the document. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
ContentChanged | Occurs when the document content was changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
CustomAssemblyLoading | Obsolete. For internal use. |
CustomPropertiesChanged | Occurs when one of the DocumentCustomProperties has changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DataSourceChanged | Occurs when the data source has been changed. |
DecryptionFailed | Occurs if the RichEditDocumentServer failed to open an encrypted file. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DocBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DocmBytesChanged | For internal use Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DocumentClosing | Occurs before closing a SnapDocument. |
DocumentEncryptionChanged | Occurs after one of the DocumentEncryption properties has been changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DocumentLoaded | Occurs before loading a SnapDocument into a SnapDocumentServer. |
DocumentPropertiesChanged | Occurs after one of the DocumentProperties has changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DotBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DotmBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
DotxBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
EmptyDocumentCreated | Occurs before creating a new SnapDocument. |
EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailed | Raises when the encrypted file did not pass the data integrity verification. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
EncryptedFilePasswordCheckFailed | Occurs when the encryption password is empty or invalid. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
EncryptedFilePasswordRequested | Raises when the RichEditDocumentImportOptions.EncryptionPassword property is not set or returns an invalid password. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
FlatOpcBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
FlatOpcMacroEnabledBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
FlatOpcTemplateBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
HtmlTextChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
InitializeDocument | Occurs before a document is loaded. Handle this event to set initial document settings. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
InvalidFormatException | Fires when the supplied data could not be recognized as data in the assumed format for import. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
MailMergeFinished | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeFinished event instead. |
MailMergeRecordFinished | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeRecordFinished event instead. |
MailMergeRecordStarted | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeRecordStarted event instead. |
MailMergeStarted | Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeStarted event instead. |
MhtTextChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
ModifiedChanged | Occurs when the value of the RichEditDocumentServer.Modified property is changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
OpenDocumentBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
OpenXmlBytesChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
RtfTextChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
SelectionChanged | Fires in response to changing a selection in the document. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
SnapMailMergeFinished | Occurs after document merging has finished. |
SnapMailMergeRecordFinished | Occurs after data field merging has finished. |
SnapMailMergeRecordStarted | Occurs after data field merging has started. |
SnapMailMergeStarted | Occurs after document merging has started. |
TrackedMovesConflict | Occurs when moved text has been changed since it was moved. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
UnhandledException | This event is raised when an exception unhandled by the RichEditDocumentServer occurs. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
ValidateCustomSql | Allows validation of the custom SQL query created using the Data Source Wizard or the Query Builder. |
WordMLTextChanged | For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer. |
See Also