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SnapDocumentServer Events

A non-visual reporting engine providing all the functionality of Snap.
Name Description
AfterDataSourceImport Occurs after importing a data source.
AfterExport Occurs after the document is successfully exported. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
AsynchronousOperationFinished Occurs after finishing an asynchronous operation in a separate thread.
AsynchronousOperationStarted Occurs after starting an asynchronous operation in a separate thread.
BeforeConversion Occurs before a snap document is exported to format other than the native .SNX.
BeforeDataSourceExport Occurs before exporting a data source.
BeforeEncodingDetection Occurs before detection of the loaded plain text or HTML encoding. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
BeforeExport Occurs before the document is saved (exported to a certain format). Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
BeforeImport Occurs before a document is loaded (imported from an external source). Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
BeforeLoadCustomAssembly Occurs when the a report template (.snx file) is loaded which contains the Entity Framework data source originated from a compiled assembly.
BeforePagePaint Enables you to specify a custom PagePainter descendant to alter the way the layout elements are drawn. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
CalculateDocumentVariable Fires when the DOCVARIABLE field is updated. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
CommentInserted Occurs after a new comment is created in the document. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
ContentChanged Occurs when the document content was changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
CustomAssemblyLoading Obsolete. For internal use.
CustomPropertiesChanged Occurs when one of the DocumentCustomProperties has changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DataSourceChanged Occurs when the data source has been changed.
DecryptionFailed Occurs if the RichEditDocumentServer failed to open an encrypted file. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DocBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DocmBytesChanged For internal use Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DocumentClosing Occurs before closing a SnapDocument.
DocumentEncryptionChanged Occurs after one of the DocumentEncryption properties has been changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DocumentLoaded Occurs before loading a SnapDocument into a SnapDocumentServer.
DocumentPropertiesChanged Occurs after one of the DocumentProperties has changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DotBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DotmBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
DotxBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
EmptyDocumentCreated Occurs before creating a new SnapDocument.
EncryptedFileIntegrityCheckFailed Raises when the encrypted file did not pass the data integrity verification. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
EncryptedFilePasswordCheckFailed Occurs when the encryption password is empty or invalid. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
EncryptedFilePasswordRequested Raises when the RichEditDocumentImportOptions.EncryptionPassword property is not set or returns an invalid password. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
FlatOpcBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
FlatOpcMacroEnabledBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
FlatOpcMacroEnabledTemplateBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
FlatOpcTemplateBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
HtmlTextChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
InitializeDocument Occurs before a document is loaded. Handle this event to set initial document settings. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
InvalidFormatException Fires when the supplied data could not be recognized as data in the assumed format for import. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
MailMergeFinished Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeFinished event instead.
MailMergeRecordFinished Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeRecordFinished event instead.
MailMergeRecordStarted Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeRecordStarted event instead.
MailMergeStarted Obsolete. Obsolete. Use the SnapDocumentServer.SnapMailMergeStarted event instead.
MhtTextChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
ModifiedChanged Occurs when the value of the RichEditDocumentServer.Modified property is changed. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
OpenDocumentBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
OpenXmlBytesChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
RtfTextChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
SelectionChanged Fires in response to changing a selection in the document. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
SnapMailMergeFinished Occurs after document merging has finished.
SnapMailMergeRecordFinished Occurs after data field merging has finished.
SnapMailMergeRecordStarted Occurs after data field merging has started.
SnapMailMergeStarted Occurs after document merging has started.
TrackedMovesConflict Occurs when moved text has been changed since it was moved. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
UnhandledException This event is raised when an exception unhandled by the RichEditDocumentServer occurs. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
ValidateCustomSql Allows validation of the custom SQL query created using the Data Source Wizard or the Query Builder.
WordMLTextChanged For internal use. Inherited from RichEditDocumentServer.
See Also