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com.devexpress.dxcharts Package


Name Description
AreaSeries Displays data as filled areas on a chart, with each data point as a peak or hollow in this filled area.
AreaSeriesStyle The Area series appearance parameters’ storage.
AxisBase The base class for all Cartesian Chart‘s axes.
AxisHintOptions The axis’s crosshair cursor settings.
AxisLabel The axis labels options’ storage.
AxisLabelBase The base class for axis labels.
AxisLabelStyle The axis labels appearance options’ storage.
AxisStyle Specifies the chart axis appearance.
AxisTitle The axis title.
AxisX The base class for all X-axis (axis of arguments) types.
BarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars, grouped by arguments, whose values determine each bar’s height.
BarSeriesBase The base class for all Bar series types.
BarSeriesLabel The Bar series point label parameters’ storage.
BarSeriesStyle The bar series appearance settings’ storage.
BubbleSeries The Bubble series.
BubbleSeriesLabel The Bubble series’s label settings’ storage.
BubbleSeriesStyle The Bubble series’s appearance settings storage.
CandleStickSeries A series where each point consists of a rectangle (the Open and Close values specify the body) and a vertical line (the Low and High values specify the tail).
CandleStickSeriesStyle Stores the Candle Stick series’s appearance settings.
Chart The Chart view that visualizes data as a Cartesian series.
ChartBase The base class for chart views within the DevExpress Charts Suite for Android.
ChartElement Represents the base class for most of the chart elements.
ChartStyle The chart appearance settings’ storage.
ChartStyleBase The Chart and Pie Chart styles’ base class.
ChartSynchronizer A synchronization marker.
ConstantLineBase The base class for all constant lines.
ConstantLineStyle Constant line appearance settings storage.
ConstantLineTitle A constant line’s title.
CrosshairHintBehavior A hint behaves like a crosshair cursor.
CrosshairLabelPositionBase The base class for classes defining label positions.
CrosshairLineStyle The crosshair line style’s settings storage.
DateTimeAxisX The arguments axis that manages representation of series with DateTimeSeriesData or FinancialSeriesData data.
DateTimeConstantLine The constant line that can be added to a DateTimeAxisX axis.
DateTimeRange The DateTimeAxisX axis’s range settings’ storage.
DateTimeStrip The strip that can be added to a DateTimeAxisX axis.
DonutSeries A pie chart with a hole in the center.
FinancialSeries The financial series’ base class.
FinancialSeriesLabel The Candle Stick or Stock series’s point label parameters’ storage.
FinancialSeriesLabelValues Provides values that configure the financial series’s label text.
FullStackedAreaSeries A series that displays data as areas on a diagram so that the value of each data point is aggregated with the underlying data points’ values and normalized to fill the plot area’s height.
FullStackedBarSeries Displays data as individual bars, stacked by arguments, in such way that stacked bars are normalized to fill the plot area’s height.
Hint The Chart hint-related settings’ storage.
HintBase The base class for the Chart and PieChart hints.
HintBehavior The base class for classes that define a hint’s behavior.
HintInfo Provides information about a hint.
HintStyle Hint’s appearance settings storage.
HintStyleBase The base class for hint apperance settings storages.
HitTestInfo Information about chart elements under a hit-test point.
Legend The legend of the chart.
LegendStyle The storage of the chart legend’s appearance settings.
LineSeries A series that displays data as points connected by a line.
LineSeriesStyle The storage of appearance parameters of a Line series.
LineTrackingCrosshairLabelPosition Defines the crosshair label’s behavior when it follows the cursor.
MarkerSeriesLabel A storage of parameters of point labels of the Area, Line and Point series.
MarkerStyle The storage of series marker appearance parameters.
NumericAxisX The arguments axis that manages representation of series with NumericSeriesData data.
NumericAxisY The values axis that manages representation of series with NumericData data.
NumericConstantLine The constant line that can be added to NumericAxisX and NumericAxisY axes.
NumericRange The storage of the NumericAxisX or NumericAxisY axis’ range settings.
NumericStrip The strip that can be added to NumericAxisX and NumericAxisY axes.
PieChart The Chart view that visualizes data as pie series.
PieChartStyle The Pie chart appearance settings storage.
PieHint A pie hint.
PieHintStyle The pie hint’s appearance settings.
PieSeries The Pie series.
PieSeriesHintOptions The Pie series hint options storage.
PieSeriesLabel The storage of the pie data point label settings.
PieSeriesLabelStyle Stores the Pie series label appearance settings.
PieSeriesLabelValues Provides values available to build a pie series’ label text.
PieSeriesStyle The storage of the Pie series appearance settings.
PointSeries A series that displays data as scatter points.
PointSeriesStyle The storage of the Point sereis’ appearance parameters.
QualitativeAxisX The arguments axis that manages representation of series with QualitativeSeriesData data.
QualitativeConstantLine The constant line that can be added to a QualitativeAxisX axis.
QualitativeRange The storage of the QualitativeAxisX range settings.
QualitativeStrip The strip that can be added to a QualitativeAxisX axis.
RangeBase The base class for all ranges.
ScatterLineSeries A series that displays data as a collection of points connected by a line, in order as points were indexed.
SelectionChangedInfo The information that is received by SelectionChangedListener.
Series The base class for all series which a Cartesian chart can display.
SeriesBase The base class for all series.
SeriesCrosshairOptions The series’ Crosshair settings storage.
SeriesHintOptions The series’s hint options storage.
SeriesHintOptionsBase The base class for classes that define series hint options.
SeriesLabel The base class for all series labels.
SeriesLabelStyle The storage of the series label appearance settings.
SeriesLabelValues Provides values available to build a common Cartesian series’ label text.
SeriesLabelValuesBase The base class for the classes that provide values to build a series’ label text.
SeriesPointInfo The series point info storage.
SideBySideFullStackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars stacked by the StackedGroup value and grouped by arguments.
SideBySideStackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars stacked using the StackedGroup value and grouped by arguments.
StackedAreaSeries A series that displays data as areas on a diagram, in such way that the value of each data point is aggregated with the underlying data points’ values.
StackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars stacked by arguments and the height of each bar is determined by the data value.
StackedBarSeriesLabel A storage of parameters of a stacked bar series’ point labels.
StackedSeriesLabelValues Provides values available to build a stacked series’ label text.
StaticCrosshairLabelPosition A Crosshair’s Label has a static position.
StepAreaSeries A series that displays data as areas on a diagram, in such way that series points are connected using only horizontal and vertical lines.
StepLineSeries A series that displays data as points connected by a line, in such way that series points are connected using only horizontal and vertical lines.
StockSeries A series that displays data as a vertical line limited by the Low and High values.
StockSeriesStyle Stores the Stock series appearance settings.
StripAxisLabel The axis label that identifies a strip on an axis.
StripBase The base class for all strips.
StripStyle The strip apearance settings’ storage.
StyleBase The base class for chart elements’ styles.
StyledElement The base class for elements which appearance can be configured using styles.
TextElementStyleBase The base class of styles of elements that display text.
TextStyle The text appearance parameters’ storage.
TitleBase The base class for titles.
TitleStyle Title appearance settings’ storage.
TooltipHintBehavior A hint behaves like a tooltip.


Name Description
AxisLabelTextFormatter The class providing text for the DateTimeAxisX, NumericAxisX, QualitativeAxisX and NumericAxisY labels should implement the interface.
ChangeableSeriesData The interface that should be implemented by the data adapter notifying a chart about data changes.
DateTimeSeriesData The interface which a class that provides data points with date-time arguments should implement.
Drawable The interface an object that can be drawn should implement.
DrawingListener The listener that handles events when chart drawing is started or finished.
FinancialSeriesData A class that provides financial data points should implement this interface.
HintListener Listener for receiving events when a hint is shown or hidden.
NumericSeriesData The interface of a data source providing points for a Cartesian series, with a numeric argument and a single numeric value.
PieSeriesData The interface that should be implemented by the data adapter providing data for pie series.
QualitativeSeriesData The interface of a data source providing points for a Cartesian series, with a qualitative argument and a single numeric value.
SelectionChangedListener The interface to implement a listener receiving information about changing selected/deselected chart points and series.
SeriesDataChangedListener The interface that should be implemented by a data adapter that notifies a chart about data changes.
SeriesLabelTextProvider The interface that should be implemented by the class providing labels’ text for the SeriesBase class descendant object.
WeightedDateTimeSeriesData The interface of a data source providing the Bubble series points that have date-time arguments.
WeightedNumericSeriesData The interface of a data source providing the Bubble series points that have numeric arguments.
WeightedQualitativeSeriesData The interface of a data source providing the Bubble series points that have qualitative arguments.
XYSeriesData The base interface for interfaces that a data adapter that provides data for the Cartesian Chart should implements.


Name Description
AggregationType Lists values specifying the aggregation function which an axis uses.
AutoRangeMode Lists values that specify how to range visual y-axis values.
AxisLabelPosition Lists all axis label positions.
AxisNavigationMode Lists values specifying possible axis navigation modes.
AxisPosition Lists the values indicating available axis positions.
AxisTitleAlignment Lists values that are used to define the axis title alignment.
BarSeriesLabelPosition Lists all the possible values specifying the Bar series labels’ positions.
BubbleSeriesLabelPosition Lists all the possible values that specify the Bubble series’s label positions.
ConstantLineTitleAlignment Lists all the possible constant line title alignment values.
DateTimeMeasureUnit Lists the values that specify the detail level for date-time values.
FinancialSeriesLabelPosition Lists all the Candle Stick or Stock series labels’ positions.
HintShowMode Lists values specifying when a hint appears.
LabelPositionHorizontalAlignment Lists all the labels’ horizontal alignments.
LabelPositionVerticalAlignment Lists all the labels’ vertical alignments.
LegendHorizontalPosition Lists the values specifying the legend’s horizontal position within a chart.
LegendOrientation Lists all the possible values specifying how the chart legend items can be oriented.
LegendVerticalPosition Lists the values specifying the legend’s vertical position within the chart.
PieSeriesLabelPosition Lists the possible positions of the Pie series’ data point labels.
RenderMode Lists values that defines how a chart is rendered.
SelectionAction Lists all the possible operations when selecting/deselecting chart series and points.
SelectionBehavior Lists all the possible values of how to the selected Pie series slice behaves.
SelectionKind Lists the values indicating the chart element can be selected.
SelectionMode Lists the values used to specify the selection mode of chart elements.
SweepDirection Lists values specifying the direction in which a Pie series is swept.