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DXCharts Module


Name Description
DXAreaSeries A series that displays data as filled areas on a chart, with each data point displayed as a peak or hollow in the area.
DXAreaSeriesStyle The storage of appearance parameters of an area series.
DXAxisBase The base class for all Cartesian Chart‘s axes.
DXAxisHintOptions The axis hint options storage.
DXAxisLabel Axis labels settings storage.
DXAxisLabelBase The base class for an axis’s labels.
DXAxisLabelStyle The axis labels’ appearance settings storage.
DXAxisStyle The axis’s appearance settings storage.
DXAxisTitle The axis title.
DXAxisX The base class for all X-axis (axis of arguments) types.
DXBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars grouped by arguments and the height of each bar is determined by the value.
DXBarSeriesLabel A storage of parameters of a bar series’ point labels.
DXBarSeriesStyle The storage of a bar series appearance settings.
DXBubbleSeries The Bubble series allows you to visualize three dimensional data. A bubble position visualizes two dimensions and a bubble’s size visualizes the third dimension.
DXBubbleSeriesLabel A storage of a bubble’s label parameters.
DXBubbleSeriesStyle The a Bubble series’ appearance settings storage.
DXCandleStickSeries A series that displays data as range bars with whiskers on a chart, where Open and Close values form bar body, and Low and High values constitute upper and lower whiskers.
DXCandleStickSeriesStyle The storage of appearance parameters of a Candle Stick series.
DXChart The Chart view that visualizes data as a Cartesian series.
DXChartBase Chart views’ base class within the DevExpress Charts Suite for iOS.
DXChartElement Represents the base class for most of the elements of chart views.
DXChartElementStyle Represents the base appearance settings for most of the elements of chart views.
DXChartHitInfo The information about chart elements located in a specific point.
DXChartStyle The storage of the chart appearance settings.
DXChartSynchronizer The synchronization label.
DXConstantLineBase The base class for all constant lines.
DXConstantLineStyle The constant line’s appearance settings storage.
DXConstantLineTitle The constant line’s title.
DXCrosshairHintBehavior The Chart hint behavior specifies if a Crosshair Cursor should be available as an interactive hint.
DXCrosshairLabelPositionBase The base class for all classes that configures the Crosshair Label’s position.
DXCrosshairLineStyle The Crosshair Cursor line’s appearance settings storage.
DXDateTimeAxisX The date-time arguments axis.
DXDateTimeConstantLine The constant line that the date-time axis can display.
DXDateTimeRange The date-time axis range.
DXDateTimeStrip The date-time axis’s strip line.
DXDonutSeries The Donut series.
DXFinancialSeriesLabel Financial (Candle Stick or Stock) series’ point label parameters’ storage.
DXFinancialSeriesLabelValues Provides values available to build a financial series’ label text.
DXFullStackedAreaSeries A series that displays data as filled areas on a chart, with each data point’s value is aggregated with the underlying data points’ values and normalized to fill the plot area’s height.
DXFullStackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars, stacked by arguments, in such way that stacked bars are normalized to completely fill the plot area height.
DXFullStackedLabelValues Provides values available to build a full-stacked series’ label text.
DXHint The Chart’s interactive hint settings storage.
DXHintBehavior The base class for all the Chart’s interactive hint behaviors.
DXHintInfo Stores information about the displayed hint.
DXHintStyle The Cartesian Chart hint’s appearance settings storage.
DXHintStyleBase The base class for all hint styles.
DXLegend The chart legend options storage.
DXLegendStyle The legend’s appearance settings storage.
DXLineSeries A series that displays data as a collection of points connected by a line.
DXLineSeriesStyle Stores settings of the appearance parameters of a line series.
DXLineTrackingCrosshairLabelPosition The Crosshair Label position specifying that the Crosshair label follows the Crosshair Cursor’s argument line.
DXMarkerSeriesLabel Line or Area series’s point label parameters’ storage.
DXMarkerStyle Stores a data point marker’s appearance settings.
DXNumericAxisX The numeric arguments axis.
DXNumericAxisY The numeric values axis.
DXNumericConstantLine The constant line that the numeric axis can display.
DXNumericRange The numeric axis range.
DXNumericStrip The numeric axis’ strip line.
DXPalette A palette (collection of colors) used to draw a chart’s series.
DXPieChart The Chart view that visualizes data as pie series.
DXPieChartStyle The Pie chart style settings storage.
DXPieHint The Pie Chart’s interactive hint settings storage.
DXPieHintStyle The Pie Chart hint’s appearance settings storage.
DXPieSeries The Pie series.
DXPieSeriesHintOptions The pie series’ hint options storage.
DXPieSeriesLabel The storage of pie data point label settings.
DXPieSeriesLabelStyle A Pie series points’ label appearance settings’ storage.
DXPieSeriesLabelValues Provides values available to build a pie series’ label text.
DXPieSeriesStyle The storage of appearance settings of the pie series.
DXPointSeries A series that displays data as a collection of scatter points.
DXPointSeriesStyle The storage of appearance parameters of a point series.
DXQualitativeAxisX The qualitative arguments axis.
DXQualitativeConstantLine The constant line that the qualitative axis can display.
DXQualitativeRange The qualitative axis range.
DXQualitativeStrip The qualitative axis’ strip line.
DXRangeBase The base class for all ranges in the Charts for iOS suite.
DXScatterLineSeries A series that displays data as a collection of points connected by a line, in order as points were indexed.
DXSelectionInfo Contains information about action that leaded to selection changing.
DXSeries The base class for all series which a Cartesian chart can display.
DXSeriesBase The base class for all series visualizing data in the DevExpress Charts suite.
DXSeriesCrosshairOptions The series’s Crosshair options storage.
DXSeriesHintOptions The series’s tooltip options storage.
DXSeriesHintOptionsBase The base class for all series hint options.
DXSeriesLabel The base storage of series point label settings.
DXSeriesLabelStyle A Cartesian series points’ label appearance settings’ storage.
DXSeriesLabelValues Provides values available to build a common Cartesian series’ label text.
DXSeriesLabelValuesBase The base class for all classes that provide values available to build a series’ label text.
DXSeriesPointInfo The series point info storage.
DXSideBySideFullStackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars stacked by the stackedGroup property and grouped by arguments. The height of each bar depends on the data value and normalized to fill the plot area height.
DXSideBySideStackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars stacked by the seriesGroup property and grouped by arguments. The height of each bar is determined by the data value.
DXStackedAreaSeries A series that displays data as areas on a diagram, in such way that the value of each data point is aggregated with the underlying data points’ values.
DXStackedBarSeries A series that displays data as individual bars stacked by arguments and the height of each bar is determined by the data value.
DXStackedBarSeriesLabel A storage of parameters of a stacked bar series’ point labels.
DXStaticCrosshairLabelPosition The Crosshair Label position specifying that the Crosshair label always is at a position specified by the horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment properties.
DXStepAreaSeries A series that displays data as areas on a diagram, in such way that series points are connected using only horizontal and vertical lines.
DXStepLineSeries A series that displays data as a collection of points connected by a line, in such way that series points are connected using only horizontal and vertical lines.
DXStockSeries A series that displays data as vertical line which Low and High values form and two marks displaying Open and Close values.
DXStockSeriesStyle The storage of appearance parameters of a Stock series.
DXStripAxisLabel The axis label that accompanies the strip.
DXStripBase The base class for all Strip classes.
DXStripStyle The strip appearance settings storage.
DXTextStyle The text’s appearance settings storage.
DXTitle The base class for all titles.
DXTitleStyle The title appearance settings storage.
DXTooltipHintBehavior The Chart hint behavior specifies if a Tooltip should be available as an interactive hint.


Name Description
DXAggregationType Lists values specifying the aggregation function which an axis uses.
DXAutoRangeMode Lists the values that specifies how to automatically calculate a value range.
DXAxisLabelPosition Lists possible label positions.
DXAxisNavigationMode Lists values specifying possible navigation modes of an axis.
DXAxisPosition Lists the values indicating available axis positions.
DXAxisTitleAlignment Lists the values that specify the available title alignments.
DXBarSeriesLabelPosition Lists possible positions of data point labels of a bar series.
DXBubbleSeriesLabelPosition Lists values that specify the position of a Bubble series’ label.
DXChartSelectionKind Lists all values indicating what chart element should be selected.
DXChartSelectionMode Lists all values indicating how many chart elements can be selected simultaneously.
DXChartTheme Lists values that specify chart themes.
DXConstantLineTitleAlignment Lists the title’s possible alignments.
DXDateTimeMeasureUnit Lists the values that specify the detail level for date-time values.
DXDefaultBoolean Lists values specifying the confiction validity.
DXFinancialSeriesLabelPosition Lists values specifying position of labels of a financial series points.
DXHintShowMode Lists all the actions which show an interactive hint.
DXLabelPositionHorizontalAlignment Lists values indicating the Crosshair Label horizontal alignment.
DXLabelPositionVerticalAlignment Lists values indicating the Crosshair Label vertical alignment.
DXLegendHorizontalPosition Lists the values specifying the legend’s horizontal position within a chart.
DXLegendOrientation Lists the values that specify a legend orientation.
DXLegendVerticalPosition Lists the values specifying the legend’s vertical position within the chart.
DXPieSeriesLabelPosition Lists the possible positions of data point labels.
DXSelectionAction Lists the values that describe actions leading to selection changing.
DXSelectionBehavior Lists values that specify possible behaviors of a pie segment selection.
DXSweepDirection Lists values specifying the direction in which a Pie series is swept.


Name Description
DXChartDelegate A protocol that a class should adopt to handle selection changes.
DXDateTimeAxisLabelTextFormatter The protocol which a class that provides a date-time X-axis‘s label text should implement.
DXDateTimeSeriesData The protocol of a DXSeries‘s data with date-time arguments.
DXFinancialSeriesData The protocol of a DXStockSeries or DXCandleStickSeries series’s data with date-time arguments and Open-High-Low-Close values.
DXNumericAxisLabelTextFormatter The protocol which a class that provides numeric X-axis‘s or numeric Y-axis‘s label text should implement.
DXNumericSeriesData The protocol of a DXSeries‘s data with numeric arguments.
DXPieSeriesData The DXPieSeries data source’s protocol.
DXQualitativeAxisLabelTextFormatter The protocol which a class that provides qualitative X-axis‘s label text should implement.
DXQualitativeSeriesData The protocol of a DXSeries‘s data with qualitative arguments.
DXSeriesData The base protocol for all data protocols providing data for the Cartesian chart’s series.
DXSeriesDataDelegate The protocol which a class should adopts to perform actions on data changes.
DXSeriesLabelTextProvider The protocol that a class should adopt to provide series labels’ text.
DXWeightedDateTimeSeriesData The protocol of a DXBubbleSeries‘s data with date-time arguments and value-weight values.
DXWeightedNumericSeriesData The protocol of a DXBubbleSeries‘s data with numeric arguments and value-weight values.
DXWeightedQualitativeSeriesData The protocol of a DXBubbleSeries‘s data with qualitative arguments and value-weight values.