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Hints: Crosshair Cursor

  • 3 minutes to read

A Cartesian Chart can show a hint as a standard tooltip or a Crosshair Cursor.

Sample Image

How to: Specify Cartesian Chart’s hint type

Use the following code to specify the Cartesian Chart’s hint type:

DXHint *hint = [[DXHint alloc] init];
DXCrosshairHintBehavior *hintBehavior = [[DXCrosshairHintBehavior alloc] init];

self.chart.hint = hint;
hint.behavior = hintBehavior;
hintBehavior.groupHeaderTextPattern = @"{A$MM/dd/YYYY}";
hintBehavior.maxSeriesCount = 3;

The DXHint.behavior property specifies the hint’s behavior.

The following behaviors are available:

Behavior Sample Image Description
DXTooltipHintBehavior Tooltip sample The Chart hint behavior specifies if a Tooltip should be available as an interactive hint.
DXCrosshairHintBehavior Crosshair sample The Chart hint behavior specifies if a Crosshair Cursor should be available as an interactive hint.

How to: Configure a hint interaction with an axis

The Cartesian Chart’s hint can interact with an axis, for example, to show a Crosshair line that marks the current value or the current value’s label. The following code demonstrates how to disable a specific axis’ Crosshair line and label:

DXAxisHintOptions *axisHintOptions = [[DXAxisHintOptions alloc] init];
axisHintOptions.hintLabelHidden = YES;
axisHintOptions.hintLineHidden = YES;
axisY.hintOptions = axisHintOptions;

The following symbols configure how the Crosshair Cursor interacts with an axis:

Symbol Description
DXAxisBase.hintOptions Gets or sets axis hint options that configure how the Crosshair Cursor interacts with the axis.
DXAxisHintOptions The axis hint options storage.

How to: Snap the Crosshair label to a chart’s corner

The Crosshair label can follow the Crosshair’s argument line or be snapped to any chart corner.

Top-right label position

The following sample demonstrates how to snap the Crosshair label to the Chart’s top-right corner:

DXHint *hint = [[DXHint alloc] init];
DXCrosshairHintBehavior *hintBehavior = [[DXCrosshairHintBehavior alloc] init];
DXStaticLabelPosition *crosshairLabelPosition = [[DXStaticLabelPosition alloc] init];

self.chart.hint = hint;
hint.behavior = hintBehavior;        
hintBehavior.labelPosition = crosshairLabelPosition;
crosshairLabelPosition.horizontalAlignment = DXLabelPositionHorizontalAlignmentRight;
crosshairLabelPosition.verticalAlignment = DXLabelPositionVerticalAlignmentTop;

The following position modes specify the label’s position:

Position SampleImage Description
DXStaticCrosshairLabelPosition Static position The Crosshair Label position specifying that the Crosshair label always is at a position specified by the horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment properties.
DXLineTrackingCrosshairLabelPosition Line tracking position The Crosshair Label position specifying that the Crosshair label follows the Crosshair Cursor’s argument line.