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DevExpress NuGet Packages: Install a Nightly Build / Hotfix

  • 3 minutes to read


For information about release and hotfix policy, refer to the DevExpress HotFix and Maintenance Release FAQ.

This article describes how to install hotfixes from your personal NuGet feed.

If you need to request a nightly build that includes newly implemented functionality not yet available in official builds, refer to the following article: Request a DevExpress Nightly Build / Hotfix.


For those using CI/CD pipelines to build projects, NuGet hotfixes will help save time during the upgrade/update process. Previously, hotfixes via our Unified Component Installers required manual intervention within CI/CD systems.

Even if you are not using a CI/CD system, NuGet hotfixes will help streamline the upgrade/update process for non-visual components such as the DevExpress Office File API, Role-Based Access Control API (FREE) (products that do not require Visual Studio design-time functionality). If you are using non-visual components, it will be much faster to edit a package version (two bytes) in Directory.Build.props or *.CSPROJ files than to download and execute our Unified Component Installer.

edit config to get hotfixes via NuGet

#Supported Products and Versions

You can install hotfixes via NuGet for DevExpress products v22.1+, designed for the following platforms:

  • .NET Framework

    You can install hotfixes via NuGet only for run-time assemblies.

    Hotfixes for the design-time assemblies for the .NET Framework are available only via the Unified Component Installer.

  • .NET 6+

    You can install hotfixes via NuGet for run-time assemblies for all the DevExpress .NET 6+ products.

    The design-time assemblies and hotfixes for them are available only for WinForms and WPF controls.

    • DevExpress WinForms controls: the design-time assemblies are shipped in the DevExpress.Win.Design package.
    • DevExpress WPF controls: the NuGet packages include both the design and run-time assemblies.
    • ORM (XPO) and Cross-Platform .NET App UI (XAF): Hotfixes for the design-time functionality (ORM Data Model Wizard, Model Editor, Solution Wizard) are available only via the Unified Component Installer.
  • .NET MAUI & Xamarin

    You can install hotfixes via NuGet for all the DevExpress .NET MAUI & Xamarin controls.

#Install a Hotfix from Your Personal NuGet Feed

You can request a hotfix in a Support Center ticket. DevExpress engineers will do their best to test and publish the hotfix within a week. However, the process may take longer.

Support Center - A UI to request hotfix

After you receive a hotfix notification email from DevExpress, you can install hotfixes from your personal NuGet feed:

  1. Select your personal NuGet feed as a package source.
  2. Enable the Include prerelease option.
  3. Select a pre-release version you need.

Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager - settings to get hotfix

#Access Pre-Release Packages After Minor Release

A hotfix eventually makes its way into an official minor release. DevExpress then unlists the hotfix package version (you can no longer find it in the feed). The version does remain available for download - you can build your projects without errors.

See Also