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Troubleshoot Installation Errors

  • 2 minutes to read

Issues might occur during installation. This document lists common errors and explains how you can fix them.

Installation Log

To review installation errors, open the installation log. Follow the steps below to access the log:

  • Click the Save Log button in the last installation step.

    Save Log Button

  • Open the installation folder and locate the DevExpressNETComponentsSetup22.2.log file.

    The default log path is C:\Program Files\DevExpress 22.2\Components.

Access Error

The installer displays the errors and the installation log contains at least one of the following entries:

  • CreateProcess failed - 5
  • Extract failed: 5
  • An exception occurred during the uninstallation of the NupkgRestore.Restorer installer
  • Access to the path is denied
  • Cannot create directory


These errors occur when the installer cannot access installation folders. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  1. Reboot your machine.
  2. Make sure that an antivirus or Windows Defender does not block the installer.
  3. Run the installer again.


If the issue persists, configure the following settings:

  • Check that you have the Write permission for installation folders. Default installation paths are:
    • C:\Program Files\ - for components
    • C:\Users\Public\Documents\ - for demos
  • If you use your corporate account, make sure its policies allow you to modify public folders.

Toolbox Registration Error

The installer displays the Cannot register toolbox items error, and the log contains the following entry:



Delete the C:\Users\USERNAME\Appdata\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0\DataBindingSetting\WinFormControls.xml file and run the installer in Repair mode.

Repair Mode

To resolve other toolbox issues, refer to How to resolve issues with Toolbox items.

Common Paths Error

The installer displays the 22.2 installer failed error, and the log contains a non-default path followed by the DemosDir variable. For example,

DemosDir=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DevExpress Demos 22.2\Components\

instead of:

DemosDir=C:\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos 22.2


Ensure that the public Documents folder has the default value in your system:


Exception & Exit Error

If the installer fails and exits, follow the steps below:

  1. Run the Windows Event Viewer.
  2. Find and save error messages related to the installer.
  3. Run the installer with the DEBUG parameter in Command Prompt:

    DevExpressComponentsBundleSetup-22.2.12.exe /DEBUG

    As a result, you create a log file in the current folder.

  4. Create a Support Center ticket and attach errors from the Event Viewer (step 1) and the log file (step 3).