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DevExpress Project Converter: Dialog Window

  • 4 minutes to read

Use one of the following ways to run the Project Converter as a dialog window.

  • In the Start menu of your Windows OS, select All Programs > DevExpress 24.1 > Project Converter 24.1.

  • In Visual Studio main menu, select Extensions > DevExpress > Project Converter > Project Converter 24.1.

  • Run the Project Converter from the command line.


How to Upgrade a Project

Follow the steps below to upgrade your project.

  1. Run the Project Converter.

  2. In the Path tab, click the Browse… button and set the path to the project you want to upgrade.

  3. Modify advanced settings (optional).

  4. Click the Upgrade All button.

  5. In the conversion log window that appears, click the Finish button to close the Project Converter.

Advanced Settings

Check the Advanced Settings checkbox in the Project Converter window to show advanced conversion settings.

Advanced Settings

Custom Public Key Token
Allows you to specify your public key token if you purchased the DevExpress assemblies’ source code and compiled your version with a custom public key token.
Hint Path Behavior

Specifies how to treat HintPath attributes that contain paths to DevExpress assemblies.

Remove — removes HintPath attributes from the project file. Choose this option if project assemblies are loaded from the installation directory.

Update — updates substrings in paths that contain an old version number with a new version number. Choose this option if project assemblies are loaded from a custom directory.

Ask to Upgrade a Project in Visual Studio

If enabled, the following dialog appears in Visual Studio when you open a project that contains references to outdated DevExpress assemblies.


Process Subdirectories
If enabled, files in nested folders are upgraded. Otherwise, the converter upgrades only files in the specified directory.
Process Read-Only Files
If enabled, read-only files are upgraded without prompting. Otherwise, the converter displays a confirmation dialog for each read-only file it finds.
Create Backup Files
If enabled, the converter creates copies of the upgraded files before modifying them (the .bak extension is added to these copies).

Specify Multiple Projects to Upgrade

The Project Converter allows you to upgrade projects that are located in the same path or in multiple paths.

  • Use the Path tab to set the path to the folder that contains projects to upgrade.

    Path Tab

  • The My Collection tab allows you to specify multiple paths. Click the Add Folder… button to add a new path; or click the Import List… button to load a path list from an existing text file, which should be a plain text file with one folder path per line.

    My Collection Tab

You can upgrade some or all the projects that the specified folders contain:

  • Click the Upgrade All button to upgrade all the found items.

  • Click the Search and Select Projects button to display a list of the found projects. You can choose which projects to upgrade.


Run the Project Converter Dialog from the Command Line

Use the following syntax to run the Project Converter from the installation directory:

cd C:\Program Files\DevExpress 24.1\Components\Tools\Components
ProjectConverter.exe [options]

The available options are listed below.

Specifies the path to the project(s) that should be upgraded
Automatically starts conversion. The converter does not close when the conversion is complete.
Automatically starts conversion. The converter closes when the conversion is complete.
Allows you to specify your public key token if you purchased the DevExpress assemblies’ source code and compiled your version with a custom public key token.
Removes hint paths. Choose this option if project assemblies are loaded from the installation directory.
Updates hint paths. Choose this option if project assemblies are loaded from a custom directory.
Skips subdirectories and upgrades only files in the specified directory.
Skips read-only files.
Does not create backup files.
The converter does not upgrade projects that target an unsupported version of the .NET framework, because it leads to build errors. Use this option to omit checking the target version of the framework and upgrade your project(s) at your own risk.
See Also