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DevExpress Project Converter: Update References in Your Project

  • 3 minutes to read

The Project Converter allows you to update your .NET projects after you installed a new version of DevExpress components. You can run the Project Converter as a dialog window or as a console application.

DevExpress Project Converter

The Project Converter replaces references to outdated DevExpress assemblies with references to the most recent libraries. The converter updates the following files:

  • project files (.csproj and .vbproj);

  • resource files (.resx) for forms that were localized in the Visual Studio Form Designer;

  • web application files (Web.config, .aspx, .ascx, .asax, and .master);

  • other files (.cs, .vb, .xaml, .skin, .config, .config.xml, .licx, .svc, .refresh, .uitest, and .lsml).

Important Notes

  • Before you start upgrading a project, refer to the Upgrade Your Application to a New DevExpress Version section and to the Breaking Changes page.
  • The Project Converter does not modify names of classes and API members.
  • You can use the Project Converter to update package versions in the PackageReferences format in your project. Project Converter does not support the old packages.config format.
  • The Project Converter does not upgrade DevExpress / DevExtreme npm packages version listed in the package.json file. You should update the version manually.
  • The Project Converter does not substitute assemblies that are placed in a project’s bin folder. To upgrade the bin folder content, select Build > Clean Solution in Visual Studio’s main menu and rebuild the project.
  • Use the Localization Service to download the latest version of localization resources. The service allows you to copy your existing translations to a different DevExpress assembly version.

Troubleshoot File Encoding Issues

When you convert a project, the following error message can appear: “File encoding not specified and contains non-ASCII characters”. Some files are not converted in this case.

The error appears because the problematic file contains non-ASCII symbols and does not contain information about their encoding. Project Convertor cannot convert the file because there is no way to determine the encoding used to write a file and it is impossible to parse such files correctly. In this situation, the conversion can lead to corruption.


Perform the following actions to resolve this error:

  1. Open the file in the Visual Studio.
  2. Select the File > Save As… menu command.
  3. Click the down arrow next to the Save button in the Save File As dialog and select Save with Encoding….
  4. Select Unicode (UTF-8 with signature) - Codepage 65001.
  5. Process your project file with the Project Converter.

For additional information, review the following article: How to Manage Files By Using Encoding

Troubleshoot ASP.NET Web Forms Updates

See Also