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GaugeDashboardItem.Gauges Property

Gets the collection of objects that provide data for calculating values displayed by gauges.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardCommon

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Dashboard.Core


public GaugeCollection Gauges { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A collection of Gauge objects that provide data for calculating values displayed by gauges.


Use the Gauges property to provide data for the GaugeDashboardItem. Each Gauge object in the Gauges collection contains two measures: the KpiElement.ActualValue and the KpiElement.TargetValue. These measures are used to calculate the actual and target values. Gauges displayed within the GaugeDashboardItem indicate the first value with a needle, and the second with a marker. In addition, the difference between the actual and target values is displayed within each gauge.

You can specify the type of summary function calculated against each measure using the Measure.SummaryType property. To specify how the difference between actual and target values should be displayed, use the options exposed by the KpiElement.DeltaOptions property.

The GaugeDashboardItem creates a single gauge for each element in the Gauges collection if no series dimensions are specified. Otherwise, if the SeriesDashboardItem.SeriesDimensions collection is not empty, the dashboard item creates multiple gauges for each Gauge object, so that each gauge corresponds to a particular dimension value (or a combination of values, if several dimensions are added). If there are also several Gauge objects within the Gauges collection, gauges that correspond to different Gauge objects are not displayed within a single screen but constitute several views. To switch between them, use the Other Gauges button located on the bottom toolbar.


See Also