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Visual Studio Dashboard Designer Errors

  • 3 minutes to read

This topic lists the errors and warnings that may appear in the Dashboard Designer.


Message Text

Build your solution and reopen this window for the Dashboard Designer to operate correctly.

Why the Message Appears

The project was not built before the Dashboard Designer started. The changes made to the project may not be visible in the Designer. Rebuilding the project can eliminate the issue.


Message Text

The Dashboard Designer is not initialized properly. Restart Visual Studio and rebuild your solution.

Why the Message Appears

We detected malfunctions in the Dashboard Designer process. To resolve the issue, rebuild the project and restart Visual Studio. If you still have issues, please contact DevExpress Support and send us the most recent log files. Search for designer_trace.log, external_trace.log, and/or UnhandledErrors.log.


Message Text

The Dashboard Designer process failed to start. Please contact DevExpress Support and send us the following log files: designer_trace.log, external_trace.log, and UnhandledErrors.log (found in the Designer’s Logs folder or in the parent folder of the logs).

Why the Message Appears

It is not always possible to detect an error’s root cause immediately. In cases when we are unable to identify the cause of an issue, the Dashboard Designer displays the VSDD103 message and asks users to send us log files for detailed examination.


Message Text

The Dashboard Designer is unable to instantiate a user-defined data source type. Please contact DevExpress Support and send us log files with information about the problematic type. The designer_trace.log, external_trace.log, UnhandledErrors.log, and {guid}.log files are located in the Logs folder or in the parent folder.

Why the Message Appears

A class referenced in your code could not be instantiated due to an unknown reason. The Dashboard Designer displays the VSDD104 message to draw attention to this case. Reach out to our Support Team so they can help you identify the cause of the error. Please send us log files that may contain information about the incident, along with the public API of the class that failed to be instantiated.


Message Text

The version of DevExpress libraries (DLL assemblies or NuGet packages) referenced in the project does not match the version of libraries installed on your machine.

Why the Message Appears

The version of DevExpress libraries that you reference in your project should match the version of DevExpress libraries installed on your machine. If these versions do not match, the Dashboard Designer detects this mismatch and displays an error message. To fix this error, either reference the version of the DevExpress libraries installed on your machine or install the version of DevExpress components that you reference in your project.

#Where to Find Log Files

If you try all the steps described above and do not find them helpful, please contact our Support Team and share the following diagnostic information:

  • Collect a call stack with design-time exceptions.
  • Check Visual Studio logs for information about the issue. Run Visual Studio with the Log command. After you close Visual Studio, find the ActivityLog.xml file in the subfolder for Visual Studio data: %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<version>\ActivityLog.xml. If there’s any error information, please share it with us.
  • For .NET only. Send us the most recent logs generated by our Visual Studio Dashboard Designer. You can find them in the following folder:%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\DevExpress\DashboardDesignNetCore\. Open the newly created subfolder and search for designer_trace.log, external_trace.log, UnhandledErrors.log, or {guid}.log.