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JavaScript Customization of Dashboard Component

  • 3 minutes to read

The Dashboard component for Blazor is a wrapper for the JavaScript DashboardControl. This makes the DashboardControl a single entry point for complex settings, such as custom items or custom properties. The DashboardControl configuration is common between all platforms and scripts become universal.

To customize a Dashboard component for Blazor with JavaScript, configure the underlying DashboardControl instance. For this, use properties of the DxJSCustomization class.

If you have JavaScript code that uses DashboardControl classes and properties, this code should be executed after scripts that the DxDashboard component requires. To do this, handle the OnScriptsLoading event and use the e.Scripts property to manage the script collection and load your scripts at the right time. The script order in the Scripts collection defines the loading order. To identify the collection’s items and manage the collection, use the ScriptIdentifiers constants.

Handle the DashboardControl Events

To handle the DashboardControl events, create an object in window and add event handlers. Pass the object name to the DxJSCustomization.Identifier property.

Register a Custom Extension

Follow the steps below to register a custom extension (for example, a custom item):

  1. In window, create an object with event handlers. Pass the object’s name to the DxJSCustomization.Identifier property.

  2. Register custom script files. Handle the DxJSCustomization.OnScriptsLoading event and add the custom script’s path to the e.Scripts collection.

  3. Handle the DashboardControl’s onBeforeRender event and register the custom item extension with the DashboardControl.registerExtension method call.

See the example below for a code sample.


The example below shows how you can customize the Dashboard component with JavaScript:

In this example, the name of the object with event handlers is dashboardEvents. This name is used in the DxJSCustomization.Identifier property.

window.dashboardEvents = {
    onBeforeRender: (args) => {
        // Registers the Parameter item and the Dashboard Panel.
        var dashboardControl = args.component;
        dashboardControl.registerExtension(new ParameterCustomItem(dashboardControl));
        dashboardControl.registerExtension(new DevExpress.Dashboard.DashboardPanelExtension(dashboardControl));

        // Removes the "New..." menu item from the dashboard menu.
        var toolbox = dashboardControl.findExtension('toolbox');
        var createItem = toolbox.menuItems().filter(item => === "create-dashboard")[0];
    // Adds a new custom toolbar item to the dashboard item caption.
    extensions: {
        viewerApi: {
            onItemCaptionToolbarUpdated: function (e) {
                if (e.itemName === "gridDashboardItem1") {
                        type: "menu",
                        icon: "baseCircle",
                        menu: {
                            type: "icons",
                            items: ["greenCircle", "yellowCircle", "redCircle"],
                            selectionMode: "none",
                            title: "Circles",
                            itemClick: function (itemData) {

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