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ReportGenerationOptions Properties

Provides options that control the layout of an XtraReport that is generated by a ReportGenerator based on a GridControl‘s data.
Name Description
AutoFitToPageWidth Specifies whether or not column widths are automatically modified so that the width of total columns matches the width of a View.
EnablePrintAppearanceEvenRow Specifies whether even rows in the resulting report are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewPrintAppearances.EvenRow property.
EnablePrintAppearanceOddRow Specifies whether odd rows in the resulting report are painted using the appearance settings provided by the GridViewPrintAppearances.OddRow property.
PrintBandHeaders Specifies whether to add band headers to the report. This option is in effect when the source object supports bands (BandedGridView and AdvBandedGridView).
PrintColumnHeaders Specifies whether to add column headers to the report.
PrintGroupRows Specifies whether to include group rows in the report.
PrintGroupSummaryFooter Specifies whether to add group footers to the report.
PrintHorizontalLines Specifies the visibility of horizontal grid lines in the report.
PrintTotalSummaryFooter Specifies whether to add the summary footer to the report.
PrintVerticalLines Specifies the visibility of vertical grid lines in the report.
UsePrintAppearances Specifies whether dedicated print appearance settings (GridView.AppearancePrint) or regular appearance settings (GridView.Appearance) are used when generating a report.
See Also