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XlsxExportOptionsEx Members

Contains options that define how a document is exported to XLSX format in the data-aware export mode.


Name Description
XlsxExportOptionsEx() Initializes a new instance of the XlsxExportOptionsEx class with the default settings.
XlsxExportOptionsEx(TextExportMode) Initializes a new instance of the XlsxExportOptionsEx class with the specified text export mode.


Name Description
AllowBandHeaderCellMerge Gets or sets whether cell merging is enabled for band headers in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowCellImages Gets or sets whether to export cell images. Available in data-aware export mode for WPF Data Grid and WinForms Data Grid.
AllowCellMerge Gets or sets whether cell merging is enabled in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowCombinedBandAndColumnHeaderCellMerge Gets or sets whether the headers of the same name are exported as merged cells. Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowConditionalFormatting Gets or sets whether conditional formatting rules applied to columns are preserved in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowFixedColumnHeaderPanel Gets or sets whether the column header panel is anchored to the top of the export document and not scrolled vertically. Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowFixedColumns Gets or sets whether left fixed columns enabled in a grid control are fixed in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowGrouping Gets or sets whether data groups are exported from the source control to the output document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowHyperLinks Gets or sets whether hyperlinks are exported.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowLookupValues Gets or sets whether combo-box and lookup columns’ lookup values are exported.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowSortingAndFiltering Gets or sets whether columns’ sorting and filtering functionality is enabled in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
AllowSparklines Gets or sets whether sparklines are exported.Only available in data-aware export mode.
ApplyFormattingToEntireColumn Gets or sets whether cell formatting (cell appearance and borders) is applied to entire sheet columns or individual sheet cells. Formatting algorithms applied to sheet columns are faster than those applied to individual cells. Only available in data-aware export mode.
AutoCalcConditionalFormattingIconSetMinValue Gets or sets whether to set the minimum value for the Icon Set conditional formatting rule explicitly.Only available in data-aware export mode.
BandedLayoutMode Gets or sets how bands and columns are arranged in the output worksheet (when exporting from Banded Views).Only available in data-aware export mode.
CalcTotalSummaryOnCompositeRange Gets or sets whether a formula exported as total summary excludes cells with group summary values even if group summaries are calculated at runtime as custom summaries.Only available in data-aware export mode.
DocumentCulture Gets or sets the export document’s culture which defines numeric and date-time data formatting settings. Only available in data-aware export mode.
DocumentOptions Provides access to options to be embedded as the resulting XLS or XLSX file’s Document Properties. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
EncryptionOptions Provides access to the XLS and XLSX file encryption options. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
ExportHyperlinks This property is not supported by the XlsxExportOptionsEx class. Use the XlsxExportOptionsEx.AllowHyperLinks property instead.Only available in data-aware export mode.
ExportMode Specifies whether the source is exported as a single XLSX file or multiple files, and whether each page is exported as a separate worksheet. Inherited from XlsxExportOptions.
ExportType Gets or sets the export type - WYSIWYG or Data Aware.
FitToPrintedPageHeight Gets or sets whether the output document should be fit to the page height when printed. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
FitToPrintedPageWidth Gets or sets whether the output document should be fit to the page width when printed. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
GroupState Gets or sets data groups’ expanded state in the exported document. Only available in data-aware export mode.
IgnoreErrors Specifies the document errors to be ignored in a resulting Excel file. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
LayoutMode Gets or sets whether data is exported in regular mode or as a native Excel table.Only available in data-aware export mode.
RawDataMode Enables the mode that produces simple tabular data without graphic elements, style and appearance settings. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
RightToLeftDocument Gets or sets whether the layout of the resulting XLS document should be aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
SheetName Gets or sets a name of the sheet in the created XLS file to which a document is exported. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
ShowBandHeaders Gets or sets whether band headers are visible in the exported document. This option is in effect when exporting from Banded Grid Views if the XlsxExportOptionsEx.BandedLayoutMode option is set to Default. Only available in data-aware export mode.
ShowColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether column headers are visible in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
ShowGridLines Gets or sets whether worksheet gridlines are visible in the resulting XLS file. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
ShowGroupSummaries Gets or sets whether group summaries are enabled in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
ShowPageTitle Gets or sets whether a title is displayed for each print preview page of the exported document. Only available in data-aware export mode.
ShowTotalSummaries Gets or sets whether total summaries are enabled in the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
SummaryCountBlankCells Gets or sets whether the Count summary function takes all cells into account or only non-blank cells when exporting to Excel format.Only available in data-aware export mode.
SuppressEmptyStrings Gets or sets whether the source control cells with Empty Strings are exported as Blank cells in Excel format.Only available in data-aware export mode.
SuppressMaxColumnsWarning Gets or sets whether to suppress the exception that is raised if you export more than 16,384 columns to an XLSX file.Only available in data-aware export mode.
SuppressMaxRowsWarning Gets or sets whether to suppress the exception that is raised on attempting to export more than 1,048,576 rows to an XLSX file. Only available in data-aware export mode.
TextExportMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cells in the resulting XLS document should use the same formatting as the original document. Inherited from XlExportOptionsBase.
UnboundExpressionExportMode Gets or sets whether column values or column expressions are exported for unbound (calculated) columns.Only available in data-aware export mode.


Name Description
Assign(ExportOptionsBase) Copies all the settings from the XlsxExportOptions object passed as a parameter. Inherited from XlsxExportOptions.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.


Name Description
AfterAddRow Fires immediately after a row is added to the output document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
BeforeExportRow Fires consecutively for each control row when this row is about to be exported. Allows you to skip specific rows if they do not meet your custom criteria.
BeforeExportTable Allows you to customize a native Excel table’s settings before export. This event is in effect when the XlsxExportOptionsEx.LayoutMode property is set to Table.
CustomizeCell Allows you to customize a cell in the output document. Only available in data-aware export mode.
CustomizeDocumentColumn Allows you to customize an individual column in the exported document - change its width, formatting, collapse the group containing the column or hide the column.Only available in data-aware export mode.
CustomizeSheetFooter Allows you to customize the footer in the output document. Only available in data-aware export mode.
CustomizeSheetHeader Allows you to customize the header in the output document. Only available in data-aware export mode.
CustomizeSheetSettings Allows you to customize the output document’s settings. Only available in data-aware export mode.
DocumentColumnFiltering Allows you to apply filters to the exported document’s columns.Only available in data-aware export mode.
ExportProgress Fires repeatedly while the data is being exported.Only available in data-aware export mode.
SkipFooterRow Allows you to hide certain summary footers (or certain multi-line summary footers’ lines) from the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode.
See Also