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AzureCompatibility Class

Contains options used to fix issues on Microsoft Azure websites.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils

Assembly: DevExpress.Data.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Data


public static class AzureCompatibility


Set the static AzureCompatibility.Enable property to true at the application startup to resolve issues with rendering and printing in the following products on Microsoft Azure websites:

To use the AzureCompatibility.Enable property in your code, add a reference to the DevExpress.Data.v24.1.dll assembly to your project.

Enable Azure Compatibility in Office File API

To use Office File API products in applications hosted on Microsoft Azure websites, set the AzureCompatibility.Enable property to true at application startup:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    DevExpress.Utils.AzureCompatibility.Enable = true;

PDF Export Limitations

The following features are not available when you export Word, Excel, and PDF files to PDF in applications hosted on Microsoft Azure websites:

  • Embedded fonts are not available
  • Non-embedded fonts support only WinAnsiEncoding characters
  • Shapes and graphics are exported as bitmaps
  • Metafile images (EMF, WMF, EMF+) are exported as bitmaps

Enable Azure Compatibility in Reporting Tools

Use the AzureCompatibility.Enable property if your report contains the XRRichText control. Refer to the following article for more information on Reporting applications hosted on Microsoft Azure websites: Microsoft Azure Integration Specifics.


Take into account the following limitations when you host Reporting applications on Microsoft Azure websites:

Enable Azure Compatibility in DevExpress Printing Library

If you use our DevExpress Printing Library (the old export mechanism) to export word processing documents to PDF, set the AzureCompatibility.Enable and RichEditControlCompatibility.EnableLegacyPdfExport properties to true on application startup.

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    DevExpress.Utils.AzureCompatibility.Enable = true;
    DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.RichEditControlCompatibility.UsePrintingSystemPdfExport = true;


Word Processing Document API does not support PDF export based on the Printing System functionality in .NET 6+. The EnableLegacyPdfExport property does not change the current PDF export engine.


See Also