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Free Joins (Query Non-Associated Data & Calculate Aggregations)

  • 2 minutes to read

Free Joins allows you to build criteria based on persistent objects that are not directly related (don’t have explicitly defined associations). You can:

  • join any persistent objects on a condition;
  • calculate aggregate functions against matching objects using their properties;
  • return aggregate values as the result of joining.

To accomplish this, use JoinOperands in your criteria.


You can use Free Joins in XPO and EF Core-based XAF applications.

Options for creating the JoinOperand include:

  • The CriteriaOperator.Parse method.

    The general format of the method’s criteria string parameter is: [<JoinTypeName>][JoinCondition]

    Here, JoinTypeName represents the JoinOperand.JoinTypeName property value, while JoinCondition is a string representation of the CriteriaOperator equivalent of the join condition.

    To indicate properties of the parent object within the join condition, prefix them with a caret and dot (‘^.‘), as shown below:

    [<JoinTypeName>][[^.ParentObjectProperty] = [JoinedObjectProperty]]

    The following code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve employees that closed more than 50 orders.

    CriteriaOperator criteria = 
        CriteriaOperator.Parse("[<Orders>][^.EmployeeID = EmployeeID].Count() > 50");
    XPCollection<Employee> employees = new XPCollection<Employee>(session, criteria);
  • The JoinOperand constructors.

    You can use specific constructors to create the JoinOperand, and initialize it with join and aggregate settings via corresponding constructor parameters.

    CriteriaOperator joinCriteria = 
        new OperandProperty("^.EmployeeID") == new OperandProperty("EmployeeID");
    JoinOperand joinOperand = 
        new JoinOperand("Orders", joinCriteria, Aggregate.Count, new OperandProperty("EmployeeID"));
    BinaryOperator criteria = 
        new BinaryOperator(joinOperand, new OperandValue(50), BinaryOperatorType.Greater);
    XPCollection<Employee> employees = 
        new XPCollection<Employee>(session, criteria);

    Note that if a criteria contains types from different namespaces, the JoinOperand.JoinTypeName propery should contain the full type name with its namespace, for example, as follows:

    "[<Application.SomeNamespace.Customers>][^.GroupID = GroupID].Count() > 1 
    and  [<Application.OtherNamespace.Orders>][^.EmployeeID = EmployeeID].Count() > 50"
  • The Join operation in LINQ to XPO.

    The syntax is the same as the syntax of group joins (the JoinGroup method) in LINQ.

    XPQuery<Employee> employees = new XPQuery<Employee>(session);
    XPQuery<Orders> orders = new XPQuery<Orders>(session);
    var list = from e in employees
               join o in orders on e.EmployeeID equals o.EmployeeID.EmployeeID into query
               where query.Count() > 50
               select e
See Also