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DxDataColumnBase.VisibleIndexChanged Event

Fires when the column’s visible index changes.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v21.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public EventCallback<int> VisibleIndexChanged { get; set; }


Type Description

A new value of the VisibleIndex property.


The VisibleIndexChanged event fires each time the VisibleIndex property value changes. The event is handled automatically when you use two-way data binding for the VisibleIndex property (@bind-VisibleIndex).

@inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService

<DxDataGrid Data="@forecasts">
            <DxDataGridColumnChooserToolbarItem Alignment="ToolbarItemAlignment.Right" />
        <DxDataGridDateEditColumn Caption="Date"
                                  @bind-VisibleIndex="VisibleIndex" />
        <DxDataGridColumn Field="TemperatureF"/>
        <DxDataGridColumn Field="TemperatureC" />

<p>The Date column's visible index is <b>@VisibleIndex</b></p>

@code {
    int VisibleIndex { get; set; } = 0;
    private WeatherForecast[] forecasts;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
        forecasts = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync(DateTime.Now);
See Also