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MVCxClientSpreadsheet Events

A client-side counterpart of the Spreadsheet extension.
Name Description
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated.
BeginSynchronization Fires after a client change has been made to the document and the client-server synchronization starts to apply the change on the server. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientSpreadsheet. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
CellBeginEdit Occurs before the cell editor is opened. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
CellCancelEdit Occurs before the active cell’s editor is closed and the entered value is rolled back. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
CellEndEdit Occurs before the cell editor is closed and the entered value is committed. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
CustomCommandExecuted Occurs after a custom command has been executed on the client side. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
DocumentChanged Fires if any change is made to the Spreadsheet’s document on the client. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
EndCallback Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
EndSynchronization Fires after a document change has been applied to the server and server and client document models have been synchronized. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
HyperlinkClick Occurs on the client side after a hyperlink is clicked within the Spreadsheet’s document. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
PopupMenuShowing Occurs before the context menu is displayed and allows menu customization. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
ProtectionWarning Occurs when attempting to edit a locked cell in a protected worksheet. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
SelectionChanged Occurs on the client when a selection is changed in the ASPxSpreadsheet. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
ViewModeChanged Occurs when the control’s view mode is changed. Inherited from ASPxClientSpreadsheet.
See Also