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PivotGridSettings.CustomCellStyle Property

Allows the appearances of cells to be dynamically customized.

Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Mvc

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5


public PivotCustomCellStyleEventHandler CustomCellStyle { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A PivotCustomCellStyleEventHandler delegate method allowing you to implement custom processing.


The CustomCellStyle event fires for each pivot grid cell and allows you to customize the appearance of cells dynamically (depending on their contents, position, values of other cells, etc). Use the event’s parameters to identify the processed cell.

PivotGrid allows you to obtain a field’s value both for hidden and visible fields. MVCxPivotGrid does not aggregate data by hidden fields. You need to get a value from the underlying data source records corresponding to a processed cell. Use the PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.CreateDrillDownDataSource method to obtain hidden field’s values. To get a visible field’s value, use the PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.GetCellValue method.

See Also