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Add RichEdit to a .NET Core Application

  • 6 minutes to read

Configure a Visual Studio Project

Install Required Packages

Perform the following steps to install the Rich Text Editor control’s NuGet packages:

  1. Right-click the Dependencies node in the Solution Explorer and select Manage NuGet Packages in the invoked context menu.

    Solution Explorer

  2. Select DevExpress 22.1 Local in the Package source drop-down list and go to the Browse page. Locate the DevExpress.AspNetCore.RichEdit package and install it.


Configure the Project

  1. Right-click the application’s name in the Solution Explorer and select Add | New Item. In the invoked Add New Item dialog, select the Installed | Visual C# | ASP.NET Core | Web category and the npm Configuration File item template. Click Add.


    This adds the package.json file to the project. Open this file and add the following dependencies:

      "version": "1.0.0",
      "name": "",
      "private": true,
      "dependencies": {
        "devextreme": "22.1.14",
        "devexpress-richedit": "22.1.14"
  2. Right-click the package.json file and select Restore Packages. This adds the node_modules directory to the application folder.

  3. Add the following code to the Startup.cs (for .NET 3.1 and .NET 5.0) or Program.cs (for .NET 6.0) file to configure the application, so that it can serve the node_modules directory’s files:

    using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
    app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions {
        FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(app.Environment.ContentRootPath, "node_modules")),
        RequestPath = "/node_modules"

    Note that the code above makes all the files in the node_modules directory accessible from the client. To restrict access, bundle and minify assets (for example, using Gulp).

Configure Razor Pages web apps

If you save a Rich Text Editor’s document server side using the ExportUrl(String) property in a Razor Pages web app, it is necessary to add the following adjustments.

  1. Disable the AntiForgeryToken option (enabled for Razor Pages web apps by default).

    • To disable the AntiForgeryToken for an application, add the following code in the Startup.cs (for .NET 3.1 and .NET 5.0) or Program.cs (for .NET 6.0) file:
    builder.Services.AddMvc().AddRazorPagesOptions(o => {
        o.Conventions.ConfigureFilter(new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IgnoreAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());
    • To disable the AntiForgeryToken for a page, add the following code to a page model.
    public class IndexModel : PageModel {
        public void OnPost() {
  2. Declare a POST action handler.

    public void  OnPostExport(string base64, string fileName, DevExpress.AspNetCore.RichEdit.DocumentFormat format) {
        byte[] fileContents = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64);  
  3. Use this handler in the ExportUrl(String) method as follows.


Register Static Resources

  1. In the _ViewImports.cshtml file, import the DevExpress.AspNetCore namespace all the views in the project should use.

    @using DevExpress.AspNetCore
  2. Create or open an existing view (for example, the Index.cshtml file), and register the resources in a header section as shown below.

    <link href="~/node_modules/devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="~/node_modules/devexpress-richedit/dist/dx.richedit.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    @* For v2020.1 and earlier, add the following code: *@
    @*<link href="~/node_modules/devextreme/dist/css/dx.common.css" rel="stylesheet" />*@
    <script src="~/node_modules/jszip/dist/jszip.min.js"></script>
    <script src="~/node_modules/devextreme/dist/js/dx.all.js"></script>
    @* If you localize the control, you should register localization resources before control script registration.*@
    @*<script src="~/node_modules/devexpress-richedit/localization/"></script>*@
    @* If you export a document to PDF on the client side (the exportToPdf method) or enable client PDF printing mode,
    you should register the pdfkit library before control script registration.*@
    @*<script src="~/node_modules/devexpress-richedit/dist/pdfkit.js"></script>*@
    <script src="~/node_modules/devexpress-richedit/dist/dx.richedit.js"></script>

Add Control to a Project

You can add a Rich Text Editor to a Razor file (.cshtml) as shown below.


Use the HTML helper’s fluent API to configure the control:

    .AutoCorrect(a => a
        .ReplaceInfoCollectionSettings(s => {
            s.ReplaceInfoCollection(c => {
                c.Add().What("wnwd").With("well-nourished, well-developed");
    .Bookmarks(b => b
    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon

Server-Side Ribbon Customization

The Rich Text Editor allows you to customize its built-in Ribbon control on the server and client sides. This topic describes server-side modifications.

View Demo: Ribbon Customization

Rich Text Editor Custom Ribbon

You can access the ribbon settings with the Ribbon method.

Modify the Tab Collection

Add a Default Tab

The Rich Text Editor provides methods that allow you to populate the ribbon with default tabs. For instance, use the AddHomeTab() method to add the Home tab to ribbon.

Note that the ribbon is initially populated with default tabs. To clear the collection, call the Clear() method.

    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .Tabs(tabs => {

Add a Custom Tab

Use the following methods to add a custom tab to the ribbon.

Method Description
Add() Adds a new tab to the end of the ribbon tab collection.
Add(String) Adds a new tab with the specified title to the end of the ribbon tab collection.
Insert(Int32) Inserts a new tab to the ribbon tab collection at the specified position.
    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .Tabs(tabs => {
                .Items(items => {

Remove a Tab

Use the following methods to remove tabs from the ribbon.

Method Description
Clear() Removes all tabs from the ribbon tab collection.
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes a tab at the specified position from the ribbon tab collection.
RemoveByTitle(String) Removes a tab with the specified title from the ribbon tab collection.
    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .Tabs(tabs => {

Modify the Context Tab Category Collection

Use the ContextTabCategories method to access a collection of context tab categories. You can clear, add and customize the default categories.

    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .ContextTabCategories(categories => {

Modify the Item Collection

Add a Default Item

A ribbon item collection provides a set of methods that allow you to add default items to a ribbon. For instance, use the AddUndoItem() and AddRedoItem() methods to add the Undo and Redo items.

    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .Tabs(tabs => {
                .Items(items => {

Add a Custom Item

Use the following methods to add custom items to a tab.

Item Type Add Methods Insert Method
Button AddButton InsertButton(Int32)
Color Box AddColorBox InsertColorBox(Int32)
Menu AddMenu() InsertMenu(Int32)
Number Box AddNumberBox InsertNumberBox(Int32)
Select Box AddSelectBox() InsertSelectBox(Int32)
Toggle Button AddToggleButton InsertToggleButton(Int32, Boolean)
    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .Tabs(tabs => {
                .Items(items => {
                        .Text("Send Email")

To process a custom item click, handle the CustomCommandExecuted event. The commandName event argument returns the clicked item’s commandName property value and allows you to identify the clicked item.

function onCustomCommandExecuted(s, e) {
    switch (e.commandName) {
        case 'sendEmail':
            var text = s.document.getText();
            var mailto_link = '' + encodeURIComponent(text);
            window =, 'emailWindow');
            if(window && && !window.closed)

Remove an Item

Use the following methods to remove items from a tab.

Method Description
Clear() Removes all items from the tab item collection.
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes an item at the specified position.
    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon
        .Tabs(tabs => {
                .Items(items => {

Hide the Ribbon

Set the Visible method to false to hide the ribbon.

    .Ribbon(ribbon => ribbon