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BootstrapTabbedLayoutGroup Properties

Represents a tabbed layout group within the BootstrapFormLayout control.
Name Description
ActiveTabIndex Gets or sets the index of a tab (tabbed page) which is selected within the control. Inherited from TabbedLayoutGroup.
BeginRow Specifies whether a group should be rendered within a new row.
ClientInstanceName Gets or sets the tabbed layout group’s client programmatic identifier. Inherited from TabbedLayoutGroup.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the tabbed layout group. Inherited from TabbedLayoutGroup.
ClientVisible Gets or sets a value that specifies the layout item’s initial visibility state on the client. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
Collection Gets the collection to which an item belongs. Inherited from CollectionItem.
ColSpanLg Specifies the number of virtual columns a layout group occupies on screens with a resolution bigger than or equal to 992px.
ColSpanMd Specifies the number of virtual columns a layout group occupies on screens with a resolution bigger than or equal to 768px.
ColSpanSm Specifies the number of virtual columns a layout group occupies on screens with a resolution bigger than or equal to 576px.
ColSpanXl Specifies the number of virtual columns a layout group occupies on screens with a resolution bigger than or equal to 1200px.
ColSpanXs Specifies the number of virtual columns a layout group occupies on screens with a resolution less than 576px.
CssClasses Provides access to CSS classes applied to visual elements of a tabbed Form Layout group.
Index Gets or sets the item’s index within the collection. Inherited from CollectionItem.
Name Gets or sets the unique identifier name for the current layout item or layout group. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
SettingsItemCaptions Provides access to the layout item caption settings within a layout group.
SettingsItemHelpTexts Provides access to the help text settings within the layout group.
SettingsItems Provides access to the layout item settings within a layout group.
TabAlign Gets or sets the alignment of tabs along the tabbed layout group’s side specified by the TabbedLayoutGroup.TabPosition property. Inherited from TabbedLayoutGroup.
Visible Gets or sets a value specifying the visibility of the current layout item or group. Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
VisibleIndex Gets or sets a value specifying the position of the current layout item or group amongst the visible items in a group (or at a control’s root level). Inherited from LayoutItemBase.
See Also