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FindAllCommand.execute(text, matchCase, highlightResults) Method

Executes the FindAllCommand command with the specified parameters.


    text: string,
    matchCase: boolean,
    highlightResults: boolean,
    results?: Interval[]
): boolean


Name Type Description
text string

A string value specifying text to find.

matchCase boolean

true, to perform a case-sensitive search; otherwise, false.

highlightResults boolean

true, to highlight the search results; otherwise, false.

results Interval[]

An array of Interval objects containing the search results.


Type Description

true if the command has been successfully executed; false if the command execution has failed.


Usage example:

var results = [];
richEdit.commands.findAll.execute("matching text", true, true, results);

Use the RichEditCommands.hideFindResults command to hide the search results.

See Also