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ChangeTableBordersAndShadingCommand.execute(settings, applyToWholeTable) Method

Executes the ChangeTableBordersAndShadingCommand command with the specified parameters.


    settings: TableBordersSettings,
    applyToWholeTable: boolean
): boolean


Name Type Description
settings TableBordersSettings

A TableBorderSettings object with settings specifying table borders.

applyToWholeTable boolean

true to apply the border settings to the whole table, false to apply the border settings to the selected cells.


Type Description

true if the command has been successfully executed; false if the command execution has failed.


Usage example:

var topBordersSettings = {color: "red", width: 2, style: ASPx.BorderLineStyle.Dashed};
rich.commands.changeTableBordersAndShading.execute({top: topBordersSettings, backgroundColor: "green"}, true)
See Also