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ASPxClientWebChartControlHotTrackEventArgs.additionalHitObject Property

Provides access on the client side to the object, which is in some way related to the object being hit. The returned value depends on the ASPxClientWebChartControlHotTrackEventArgs.hitObject type and hit point location.


additionalHitObject: ASPxClientWebChartElement

Property Value

Type Description

An ASPxClientWebChartElement object representing an additional object that relates to the one being hit.


Currently the additionalHitObject property returns an ASPxClientSeriesPoint object when the hit point falls within a region that represents a series point on a diagram. In this case the ASPxClientWebChartControlHotTrackEventArgs.hitObject property provides access to the corresponding ASPxClientSeries object. When the user clicks another object pertaining to a chart series (labels, lines drawn between series points etc.), the additionalHitObject returns null (Nothing in Visual Basic).

In situations different from those described above, the additionalHitObject property also returns null.

At the present time the main objective of the additionalHitObject property is to provide access to the Series Point being clicked.

See Also