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ASPxClientSwiftPlotDiagram Members

In This Article
Represents the client-side equivalent of the SwiftPlotDiagram class.

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Name Description
axisX Gets the X-axis. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagramBase.
axisY Gets the Y-axis. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagramBase.
chart Gets the chart that owns the current chart element. Inherited from ASPxClientWebChartElement.
defaultPane Provides access to a default pane object. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.
panes Provides access to an array of a diagram’s panes. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.
secondaryAxesX Provides access to a collection of secondary X-axes for a given 2D XY-diagram. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.
secondaryAxesY Provides access to a collection of secondary Y-axes for a given 2D XY-diagram. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.

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Name Description
DiagramToPoint(argument, value, axisX, axisY, pane) Converts the diagram coordinates of a point into screen coordinates. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.
PointToDiagram(x, y) Converts the display coordinates into a diagram coordinates object. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.
ShowCrosshair(screenX, screenY) Shows the Crosshair Cursor at the point with the specified coordinates. Inherited from ASPxClientXYDiagram2D.
See Also