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ASPxClientRichEditPopupMenuItem Members

In This Article
Represents an individual item of the Rich Edit’s context menu.


Name Description
beginGroup Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the current menu item starts a group.
enabled Indicates whether the menu item is enabled.
imageClassName Gets or sets the CSS class name defining the menu item’s image.
imageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the menu item’s image.
name Specifies the unique identifier name for the current menu item.
navigateUrl Gets or sets a URL which defines the navigation location.
parent Gets the immediate parent menu item to which the current menu item belongs.
target Gets or sets the window or frame at which to target the contents of the URL associated with the current menu item.
text Specifies the text content of the current menu item.
tooltip Gets or sets the current menu item’s tooltip text.


Name Description
GetItem(index) Returns the menu item’s sub-item with the specified index.
GetItemByName(name) Returns the menu item’s sub-item with the specified property value.
GetItemCount Returns the total number of the menu item’s child items (submenu items).
GetSubItems Gets a collection that contains the submenu items of the current menu item.
See Also