ASPxClientRichEdit.AutoCorrect Event
Fires when text is typed in the control.
AutoCorrect: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientRichEditAutoCorrectEventHandler>
#Event Data
The AutoCorrect event's data class is ASPxClientRichEditAutoCorrectEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
handled | Specifies whether the event is handled. |
interval | Gets the input string’s interval. |
text | Gets the input string to check whether it should be replaced. |
The AutoCorrect allows you to replace the typed text with any content using the Client API as demonstrated in the following code snipptet:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnAutoCorrect(s, e) {
switch (e.text) {
case "dxlogo":
DemoRichEdit.selection.intervals = [e.interval];
e.handled = true;
case "bldtxt":
DemoRichEdit.selection.intervals = [e.interval];
DemoRichEdit.commands.insertText.execute("Bold Text");
e.handled = true;
<dx:ASPxRichEdit ID="DemoRichEdit" ClientInstanceName="DemoRichEdit" runat="server">
<ClientSideEvents AutoCorrect="OnAutoCorrect" />
Note that the text event’s argument receives text starting after the last non-letter character (a space, punctuation mark, etc.).