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ASPxClientMovingAverageConvergenceDivergence Properties
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Represents the client-side equivalent of the MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence class.
Name Description
axisY Returns the name of the Y-axis that is used to plot the current indicator on a ASPxClientXYDiagram. Inherited from ASPxSeparatePaneIndicator.
chart Gets the chart that owns the current chart element. Inherited from ASPxClientWebChartElement.
longPeriod Returns the long period value required to calculate the indicator.
name Gets the name of the chart element. Inherited from ASPxClientWebChartElementNamed.
pane Returns the name of a pane, used to plot the separate pane indicator on an XYDiagram. Inherited from ASPxSeparatePaneIndicator.
series Gets the indicator‘s associated series. Inherited from ASPxClientIndicator.
shortPeriod Returns the short period value required to calculate the indicator.
signalSmoothingPeriod Returns the smoothing period value required to calculate the indicator.
See Also