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ASPxClientAppointment Members

In This Article
Represents a client-side equivalent of the Appointment class.


Name Description
appointmentId Returns the client appointment ID.
appointmentType Gets the appointment type.
interval Gets or sets the time interval of the time cells covered by the current appointment.
labelIndex Returns the label’s index.
resources Gets resources associated with the appointment.
statusIndex Gets the status index.


Name Description
AddResource(resourceId) Adds a resource to the collection of resources associated with the client appointment.
GetAllDay Gets a value that specifies whether the current appointment lasts the entire day.
GetAppointmentType Gets the appointment type.
GetDescription Gets the description of the appointment.
GetDuration Gets the duration of the appointment.
GetEnd Gets the end date and time of the appointment.
GetId Gets the ID of the client appointment.
GetLabelId Gets the integer identifier of the label object associated with the appointment.
GetLocation Gets a location where the appointment is scheduled.
GetRecurrenceInfo Gets the appointment’s recurrence information.
GetRecurrencePattern Gets the appointment that is the Appointment.RecurrencePattern for the current appointment.
GetResource(index) Gets the resource associated with the client-side appointment by its index.
GetStart Gets the start date and time of the appointment.
GetStatusId Gets the integer identifier of the status object associated with the appointment.
GetSubject Gets the appointment’s subject text.
SetAllDay(allDay) Set the property value of the client appointment corresponding to the Appointment.AllDay appointment property.
SetAppointmentType(type) Specifies the type of the current client appointment.
SetDescription(description) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.Description appointment property.
SetDuration(duration) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.Duration appointment property.
SetEnd(end) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.End appointment property.
SetId(id) Sets the ID of the client appointment.
SetLocation(location) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.Location appointment property.
SetRecurrenceInfo(recurrenceInfo) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.RecurrenceInfo appointment property.
SetStart(start) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.Start appointment property.
SetStatusId(statusId) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.StatusKey appointment property.
SetSubject(subject) Sets the property value of the client appointment, corresponding to the Appointment.Subject appointment property.
See Also