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GridViewEditorImages Members

Contains the settings that define images displayed within editors.


Name Description
GridViewEditorImages(ISkinOwner) Initializes a new instance of the GridViewEditorImages class.


Name Description
BinaryImageDeleteButtonImageName static

The name of the delete button image file.

This name is equal to “edtBinaryImageDelete”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
BinaryImageDesignImageName static

Represents the name of the image file displayed within an ASPxBinaryImage at design-time. This name is equal to “edtBinaryImageDesign.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
BinaryImageOpenDialogButtonImageName static

The name of the open dialog button image file.

This name is equal to “edtBinaryImageOpenDialog”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ButtonBackImageName static

Represents the name of the ButtonBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “btBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ButtonEditClearButtonImageName static

The name of the Clear button image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtClear”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ButtonEditEllipsisImageName static

Represents the name of the ButtonEditEllipsis image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtEllipsis.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ButtonHoverBackImageName static

Represents the name of the ButtonHoverBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtButtonHoverBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarButtonBackImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarButtonBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarButtonBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarButtonHoverBackImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarButtonHoverBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarButtonHBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavHeaderBackElementImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavHeaderBackElementRtlImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavNextPeriodImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavNextYearImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarFastNavNextYear image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarFNNextYear.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavPrevPeriodImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavPrevYearImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarFastNavPrevYear image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarFNPrevYear.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarNextLargePeriodImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarNextMonthImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarNextMonth image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarNextMonth.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarNextPeriodImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarNextYearImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarNextYear image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarNextYear.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarPrevLargePeriodImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarPrevMonthImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarPrevMonth image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarPrevMonth.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarPrevPeriodImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarPrevYearImageName static

Represents the name of the CalendarPrevYear image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCalendarPrevYear.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxCheckedImageName static

The name of the CheckBoxChecked image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCheckBoxChecked”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxGrayedImageName static

The name of the CheckBoxGrayed image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCheckBoxGrayed”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxUncheckedImageName static

The name of the CheckBoxUnchecked image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtCheckBoxUnchecked”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckedPostfixConst static Returns “Checked”. Inherited from ImagesBase.
DateEditTimeSectionClockFaceImageName static

The name of the ClockFace image file.

This name is “edtDETSClockFace”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionHourHandImageName static

The name of the hour hand image file.

This name is “edtDETSHourHand”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionMinuteHandImageName static

The name of the minute hand image file.

This name is “edtDETSMinuteHand”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionSecondHandImageName static

The name of the second hand image file.

This name is “edtDETSSecondHand”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
DisabledPostfixConst static Returns “Disabled”. Inherited from ImagesBase.
DropDownApplyButtonImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownButtonBackImageName static

Represents the name of the DropDownButtonBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtDropDownBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownButtonHoverBackImageName static

Represents the name of the DropDownButtonHoverBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “DropDownButtonHBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownCloseButtonImageName static For internral use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownEditDropDownImageName static

Represents the name of the DropDownEditDropDown image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtDropDown.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ErrorImageName static

Represents the name of the Error image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtError.png”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
HottrackedPostfixConst static Returns “Hover”. Inherited from ImagesBase.
ImageEmptyImageName static

Represents the name of the ImageEmpty image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtImageEmpty.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ListBoxFilterImageName static

Represents the name of the image file displayed within the filter button in the list box.

This name is equal to “edtListBoxFilterBtn”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ListBoxHideFilterImageName static

Represents the name of the image file displayed within the list box’s filter button that hides the filter.

This name is equal to “edtListBoxHideFilterBtn”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ListBoxHideFilterRtlImageName static

Represents the name of the image file displayed within the list box’s filter button that hides the filter when the list box is in RTL mode.

This name is equal to “edtListBoxHideFilterBtnRtl”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
ListEditItemImageName static

Represents the name of the ListEditItem image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtListEditItem.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
LoadingPanelImageName static

Represents the name of the LoadingPanel image file.

This name is equal to “Loading”.

Inherited from ImagesBase.
PressedPostfixConst static Returns “Pressed”. Inherited from ImagesBase.
RadioButtonCheckedImageName static

Represents the name of the RadioButtonChecked image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtRadioButtonOn.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
RadioButtonGrayedImageName static

The name of the RadioButtonGrayed image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtRadioButtonGrayed.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
RadioButtonUncheckedImageName static

Represents the name of the RadioButtonUnchecked image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtRadioButtonOff.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SelectedPostfixConst static Returns “Selected”. Inherited from ImagesBase.
SpinDecButtonBackImageName static

Represents the name of the SpinDecButtonBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtSpinDecBtnBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditDecrementImageName static

Represents the name of the SpinEditDecrement image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtSpinEditDecrementImage.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditIncrementImageName static

Represents the name of the SpinEditIncrement image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtSpinEditIncrementImage.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditLargeDecrementImageName static

Represents the name of the SpinEditLargeDecrement image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtSpinEditLargeDecImage.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditLargeIncrementImageName static

Represents the name of the SpinEditLargeIncrement image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtSpinEditLargeIncImage.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinIncButtonBackImageName static

Represents the name of the SpinIncButtonBack image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtSpinIncBtnBack.gif”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
SpriteImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from ImagesBase.
TokenBoxTokenBackgroundImageName static

The name of the token background image file.

This name is “edtTokenBoxTokenBackground”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonHoverImageName static

The name of the token hovered remove button image file.

This name is “edtTokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonHover”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonImageName static

The name of the token remove button image file.

This name is “edtTokenBoxTokenRemoveButton”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarBarHighlightHImageName static

The name of the TrackBarBarHighlightH image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarBarHighlightH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarBarHighlightVImageName static

The name of the TrackBarBarHighlightV image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarBarHighlightV”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarDecrementButtonImageName static

The name of the TrackBarDecrementButton image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTBDecBtn”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarDoubleLargeTickHImageName static

The name of the TrackBarDoubleLargeTickH image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarDoubleLargeTickH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarDoubleLargeTickVImageName static

The name of the TrackBarDoubleLargeTickV image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarDoubleLargeTickV”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarDoubleSmallTickHImageName static

The name of the TrackBarDoubleSmallTickH image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarDoubleSmallTickH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarDoubleSmallTickVImageName static

The name of the TrackBarDoubleSmallTickV image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarDoubleSmallTickV”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarIncrementButtonImageName static

The name of the TrackBarIncrementButton image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTBIncBtn”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarLargeTickHImageName static

The name of the TrackBarLargeTickH image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarLargeTickH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarLargeTickVImageName static

The name of the TrackBarLargeTickV image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarLargeTickV”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarMainDragHandleImageName static

The name of the TrackBarMainDragHandle image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTBMainDH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarSecondaryDragHandleImageName static

The name of the TrackBarSecondaryDragHandle image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTBSecondaryDH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarSmallTickHImageName static

The name of the TrackBarSmallTickH image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarSmallTickH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarSmallTickVImageName static

The name of the TrackBarSmallTickV image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarSmallTickV”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarTrackHImageName static

The name of the TrackBarTrackH image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarTrackH”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarTrackVImageName static

The name of the TrackBarTrackV image file which is used in ASPxEditors.

This name is equal to “edtTrackBarTrackV”.

Inherited from EditorImages.
WindowResizerImageName static For internal use only. Returns “WindowResizer”. Inherited from ImagesBase.
WindowResizerRtlImageName static For internal use only. Inherited from ImagesBase.


Name Description
BinaryImageDeleteButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the binary image’s Delete button. Inherited from EditorImages.
BinaryImageOpenDialogButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the binary image’s Open Dialog button. Inherited from EditorImages.
ButtonEditClearButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the editor’s Clear button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
ButtonEditEllipsis For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavHeaderBackElement Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the back-element used to return to the previous mode within the fast navigation area’s header. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavHeaderBackElementRtl Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the back-element used to return to the previous mode within the fast navigation area’s header when the calendar is in RTL mode. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavNextYear For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarFastNavPrevYear For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarNextLargePeriod Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s >> button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarNextPeriod Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarPrevLargePeriod Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s << button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
CalendarPrevPeriod Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxChecked Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the checked state. Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxGrayed Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the grayed state. Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxUnchecked Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the unchecked state. Inherited from EditorImages.
CheckBoxUndefined Obsolete. Provides access to the settings that define an image of check boxes in the undefined (grayed) state. Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionClockFace Gets the settings of an image that defines a ClockFace. Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionHourHand Gets the settings of an image that defines a clock hour hand. Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionMinuteHand Gets the settings of an image that defines a clock minute hand. Inherited from EditorImages.
DateEditTimeSectionSecondHand Gets the settings of an image that defines a clock second hand. Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownApplyButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the editor’s Apply button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownCloseButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the editor’s Close button element. Inherited from EditorImages.
DropDownEditDropDown For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
ImageEmpty For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
ImageFolder Gets or sets the path to the folder that contains images used by a control. Inherited from ImagesBase.
ListBoxFilter Provides access to the settings that define an image displayed within the filter button in the list box. Inherited from EditorImages.
ListBoxHideFilter Provides access to the settings that define an image displayed within the list box’s filter button that hides the filter. Inherited from EditorImages.
ListBoxHideFilterRtl Provides access to the settings that define an image displayed within the list box’s filter button that hides the filter when the list box is in RTL mode. Inherited from EditorImages.
ListEditItem For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
LoadingPanel Gets the settings of an image displayed within a Loading Panel. Inherited from ImagesBase.
RadioButtonChecked Provides access to the settings that define an image of a radio button in the checked state. Inherited from EditorImages.
RadioButtonUnchecked Provides access to the settings that define an image of radio buttons in the unchecked state. Inherited from EditorImages.
RadioButtonUndefined Obsolete. For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditDecrement For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditIncrement For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditLargeDecrement For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
SpinEditLargeIncrement For internal use only. Inherited from EditorImages.
SpriteCssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the control’s sprite image settings. Inherited from ImagesBase.
SpriteImageUrl Gets or sets the path to a sprite image. Inherited from ImagesBase.
TrackBarDecrementButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the decrement button. Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarIncrementButton Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the increment button. Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarMainDragHandle Gets the settings of an image displayed in the main drag handle. Inherited from EditorImages.
TrackBarSecondaryDragHandle Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the secondary drag handle. Inherited from EditorImages.


Name Description
Assign(PropertiesBase) Copies the settings from the specified PropertiesBase object to the current object. Inherited from ImagesBase.
CopyFrom(ImagesBase) Duplicates the properties of the specified object into the current instance of the ImagesBase class. Inherited from ImagesBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetImagePropertiesEx(Page, String, String, String, String, String) Obsolete. This method is obsolete. Inherited from ImagesBase.
GetSpriteLevelImageResource(Page, ISkinOwner, String, String) static For internal use only. Inherited from ImagesBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reset() Returns the ImagesBase object to its original state. Inherited from ImagesBase.
ToString() Returns an empty string. Inherited from ImagesBase.
UpdateSpriteUrl(ImagePropertiesEx, Page, String, Type, String) For internal use only. Inherited from ImagesBase.
UpdateSpriteUrl(ImagePropertiesEx, Page) For internal use only. Inherited from ImagesBase.
See Also