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DevExpress.Web.ASPxRichEdit Namespace

Contains classes which implement the functionality of the ASPxRichEdit control.

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.ASPxRichEdit.v17.2.dll


Name Description
ASPxRichEdit A rich text editor control.
ASPxRichEditAuthenticationSettings Represents a set of credentials used to identify editable ranges in a protected document.
ASPxRichEditBehaviorSettings Specifies the restricted operations that cannot be performed by end-users over the RichEdit’s document.
ASPxRichEditBookmarkSettings Provides settings defining the appearance of bookmarks in the document.
ASPxRichEditCharacterFormattingDetailedSettings Contains the Character Formatting dialog’s settings.
ASPxRichEditDocumentCapabilitiesSettings Represents the storage of settings specific for the document restrictions implemented in the RichEdit.
ASPxRichEditHorizontalRulerSettings Represents the class containing options for the horizontal ruler.
ASPxRichEditNumberingSettings Represents the class containing options for the availability of numbered and bulleted lists in the document.
ASPxRichEditOptionsSpelling Contains the settings that affect spell checking of the ASPxRichEdit’s content.
ASPxRichEditRangePermissionSettings Represents a set of visualization settings used to highlight an editable range in a protected document.
ASPxRichEditSettings Contains the main settings of the ASPxRichEdit control.
ASPxRichEditSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that contain different settings of the ASPxRichEdit control.
ASPxRichEditSpellCheckerSettings Contains a set of settings related to spell checking of the RichEdit’s content.
RichEditClientSideEvents Contains a list of the client-side events available for the ASPxRichEdit.
RichEditDialogSettings Contains settings concerning customization of dialog form elements.
RichEditDocumentSelectorCommonSettings Contains common settings that relate to the built-in document selector‘s functionality.
RichEditDocumentSelectorSettings Contains settings that are related to the Document Selector used within the file dialogs.
RichEditDocumentSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Document Selector‘s file upload functionality.
RichEditFileManager For internal use only.
RichEditFileManagerCommonSettings Serves as a base for classes that contains common settings related to the RichEdit’s built-in FileManager functionality.
RichEditFileManagerEditingSettings Contains settings that relate to the editing functionality of the embedded FileManager which is used within certain built-in dialogs.
RichEditFileManagerFoldersSettings Contains settings that relate to the folder functionality of the embedded FileManager used within certain built-in dialogs.
RichEditFileManagerStyles Contains settings that defined the appearance of elements used within the RichEdit’s built-in FileManager.
RichEditFileManagerValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to the validation of document files, uploaded using the FileNamager embedded into the RIchEdit’s file dialogs (Document Selector).
RichEditFolderManager For internal use only.
RichEditImages Contains settings that define images displayed within the ASPxRichEdit.
RichEditInsertLinkDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Link dialog’s form elements.
RichEditInsertPictureDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Insert Image dialog’s form elements.

A class that implements the functionality of a popup menu item in the RichEdit. For internal use only.


An internal collection that maintains popup menu items in the RichEdit. For internal use only.

RichEditRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection A collection of ribbon context tab categories in the ASPxRichEdit control.
RichEditRibbonTabCollection A collection of Ribbon tabs related to the ASPxRichEdit.
RichEditRulerImages Contains settings for the Ruler images.
RichEditSaveFileDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Save File dialog’s form elements.


Name Description
RichEditRibbonMode Lists values that specify the type of the ribbon navigation element used by the ASPxRichEdit control.
RichEditUnit Lists measurement units used in the document.
SaveFileDialogDisplaySectionMode Lists values that specify the visibility of a section within the file dialogs.