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Embed Third-Party Libraries

  • 3 minutes to read

The following table lists DevExpress controls that require external client libraries to work correctly:

Extension Suite

Attached Scripts

Any MVC extension (except Dashboard, Reports, Query Builder, Chart Designer)


jquery.validate.min.js (1.17)

jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js (3.2.6)

jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js (3.2.4)

Web Dashboard







cldr.min.js (0.4.3)

cldr.event.min.js (0.4.3)

cldr.supplemental.min.js (0.4.3)

globalize.js (1.0.1)

globalize.message.min.js (1.0.1)

globalize.number.min.js (1.0.1) (1.0.1)

globalize.currency.min.js (1.0.0)


jquery.js (3.5.1)

knockout.js (3.5.1)

(optional) cldr.min.js (0.4.3)

(optional) cldr.event.min.js (0.4.3)

(optional) cldr.supplemental.min.js (0.4.3)

(optional) cldr.unresolved.js (0.4.3)

(optional) globalize.js (1.0.1)

(optional) globalize.message.min.js (1.0.1)

(optional) globalize.number.min.js (1.0.1)

(optional) globalize.currency.min.js (1.0.0)

(optional) (1.0.1)

(optional - code highlighting) ace.js (1.4.10)

(optional - code highlighting) ext-language_tools.js

(optional - rich text editor) jszip.min.js (3.7.1)

Query Builder

jquery.js (3.5.1)

knockout.js (3.5.1)

(optional) cldr.min.js (0.4.3)

(optional) cldr.event.min.js (0.4.3)

(optional) cldr.supplemental.min.js (0.4.3)

(optional) cldr.unresolved.js (0.4.3)

(optional) globalize.js (1.0.1)

(optional) globalize.message.min.js (1.0.1)

(optional) globalize.number.min.js (1.0.1)

(optional) globalize.currency.min.js (1.0.0)

(optional) (1.0.1)

ace.js (1.4.10)


Chart Designer


cldr.min.js (0.4.3)

cldr.event.min.js (0.4.3)

cldr.supplemental.min.js (0.4.3)

cldr.unresolved.js (0.4.3)

globalize.js (1.0.1)

globalize.message.min.js (1.0.1)

globalize.number.min.js (1.0.1)

globalize.currency.min.js (1.0.0) (1.0.1)



In addition to the third-party libraries, DevExpress controls listed in the table above use DevExtreme client libraries. Refer to the 3rd-Party Frameworks Integration API topic for more information.


Add a DevExpress control to a project to register the “resources” section in the application’s Web.config file.

    <sectionGroup name="devExpress">
      <!-- ...  -->
      <section name="resources" type="DevExpress.Web.ResourcesConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v22.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" requirePermission="false" />
<!-- ...  -->

Add the external libraries or enable the control to load them automatically to the “resources” section in the web.config file to ensure the control works correctly.


The “resources” section does not load client libraries that are not required by a specific web control.

The code snippet below allows you to register the following resources:

  • “DevExtreme” - adds the DevExtreme suite’s client sources.

  • “ThirdParty” - adds references to external libraries.

    <!-- ... -->
        <add type="ThirdParty" />
        <add type="DevExtreme" />

Register client scripts automatically

DevExpress automatically registers the related client libraries when you use the DevExpress Template Gallery to add a DevExpress control to a web page.


Note that the DevExpress Template Gallery provides the “Check References To External Scripts” check box that allows you not to generate the “resources” section in the Web.config file.

Project Wizard - Check References to External Scripts

Register client scripts manually

Register only DevExtreme libraries

DevExpress automatically loads DevExtreme libraries without the third-party libraries in the following cases:

  • The Web.config file does not contain the “resources” section.

  • DevExpress does not add the “resources” section in the web.config file when you load a DevExpress web control to a project and do not use the DevExpress Template Gallery.

If DevExpress does not register DevExtreme libraries automatically, use the following code snippet to register them in the Web.config file.

    <add type="DevExtreme" />

Register only third-party libraries

Use the following code to register the third-party libraries (without the DevExtreme libraries) in the web.config file:

    <add type="ThirdParty" />

Note that DevExpress Reports, Dashboards and Bootstrap control suites use DevExtreme controls and require their scripts on a page. In this case, register the DevExtreme scripts either in the Web.config file…

    <add type="DevExtreme" />

… or load them to the page in the following order:

  1. Third-party libraries.

  2. DevExtreme.

  3. Specific control scripts.

Detach external client libraries

Declare an empty “resources” section not to load external client scripts (including DevExtreme libraries). You should attach all the resources to a web page.


DevExpress configuration section

Corresponding Class
