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Getting Started

  • 4 minutes to read

The DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls require configuring a web application (or website) before adding a control to a form. This topic explains how to configure your project to work with DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls and includes the following sections.


Creating a New Project with DevExpress Templates

Follow the instruction below to create a new project configured for DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms controls using DevExpress Template Gallery. Note that some templates run the Project Wizard which allows you to customize project settings before generating it.


This section describes creating a Web Site project using the WebForms Web Site project template. However, you can use the same approach to create a Web Application using the WebForms Web Application project template.

  1. In Visual Studio, press Shift+Alt+N to create a new site. In the invoked dialog, select DevExpress Template Gallery and click OK.


  2. Select the type of WebForms project template: Empty Web Site, Web Site, Responsive Web Site, or Blog Web Site in the Template Gallery.

    • The Empty Web Site template does not allow specifying extended website settings using the Project Wizard. However, the created project is configured to work with DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls.
    • The Web Site, Responsive Web Site, and Blog Web Site templates provide extended configuration settings that are specified in the Project Wizard.

    Click Run Wizard (or Create Project for Empty Web Site) after selecting the template.


  3. In the invoked DevExpress ASP.NET Project Wizard, specify the project settings: content, configuration (stored in the web.config file), and appearance (theme). Note that you can skip this stage if do not need to specify these settings. Once you are done, click Create Project.


The created project is configured to work with DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls. Projects that use a non-empty template includes web pages that are coded using DevExpress controls.

Integrating DevExpress Controls into Existing Project

DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms controls require modifying the web.config file to use components. The instruction below lists the actions that you should perform to run DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls in your existing project. Refer to the Web.config Modifications Overview topic to learn more about options that should be specified to provide DevExpress ASP.NET controls’ functionality.

  1. In Visual Studio, run the DevExpess Project Wizard as shown in the picture below.


  2. In the invoked wizard, specify the project settings: configuration (stored in the web.config file) and appearance (theme). Note that you can skip this stage if do not need to specify these settings. Once you are done, click Update Project.


  3. Make sure that the web.config file includes the httpModule section and devExpress section group in the markup.

        <sectionGroup name="devExpress">
          <section name="compression" type="DevExpress.Web.CompressionConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" requirePermission="false" />
          <section name="themes" type="DevExpress.Web.ThemesConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" requirePermission="false" />
          <section name="errors" type="DevExpress.Web.ErrorsConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" requirePermission="false" />
          <section name="settings" type="DevExpress.Web.SettingsConfigurationSection, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" requirePermission="false" />
          <add type="DevExpress.Web.ASPxHttpHandlerModule, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" name="ASPxHttpHandlerModule" />
          <add type="DevExpress.Web.ASPxUploadProgressHttpHandler, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" verb="GET,POST" path="ASPxUploadProgressHandlerPage.ashx" validate="false" />
          <add type="DevExpress.Web.ASPxHttpHandlerModule, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" name="ASPxHttpHandlerModule" />
          <add type="DevExpress.Web.ASPxUploadProgressHttpHandler, DevExpress.Web.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" verb="GET,POST" path="ASPxUploadProgressHandlerPage.ashx" name="ASPxUploadProgressHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" />
        <compression enableHtmlCompression="true" enableCallbackCompression="true" enableResourceCompression="false" enableResourceMerging="true" />
        <themes enableThemesAssembly="true" customThemeAssemblies="DevExpress.Web.DemoTheme.v17.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a" />
        <errors callbackErrorRedirectUrl="" />
        <settings rightToLeft="false" doctypeMode="Html5" ieCompatibilityVersion="edge" />

The configuration strings added to the web.config file allow you to use DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls in your project. You can find more information about modifying the web.config file in the Web.config Modifications Overview topic.


When the Project is Ready to Use

When your project is configured to use DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms controls, you can refer to following topics that describe controls and their capabilities.


The tutorials below describe how you can start using a DevExpress ASP.NET WebForms control.

Data and Analytics


Office Controls

Common Controls

Common Concepts

DevExpress ASP.NET controls share many features - you can use a similar approach to set a control’s look and feel, bind it to data, format its values, and localize resources. Refer to the following topics to learn more about these features: