BootstrapGridViewEditorCssClassesBuilder Methods
Stores CSS classes applied to visual elements of Grid View editors.Name | Description |
BinaryImage(String) | |
BinaryImageButton(String) | |
BinaryImageButtonPanel(String) | |
BinaryImageDeleteButton(String) | |
BinaryImageEmptyValueText(String) | |
BinaryImageOpenDialogButton(String) | |
BinaryImageProgressBar(String) | |
ButtonEdit(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Button Edit control’s root element. |
ButtonEditButton(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Button Edit’s button element. |
ButtonEditClearButton(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Button Edit’s Clear button element. |
Calendar(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s root element. |
CalendarButton(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a button displayed within the Calendar control. |
CalendarDay(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to applied to a calendar day element. |
CalendarDayDisabled(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a disabled calendar day element. |
CalendarDayHeader(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s day of the week header element. |
CalendarDayOtherMonth(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a calendar day that does not belong to the current month. |
CalendarDayOutOfRange(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a calendar day that does not belong the active date range. |
CalendarDaySelected(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a selected calendar day element. |
CalendarDayWeekEnd(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a calendar weekend day element. |
CalendarFastNavHeader(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s area that allows a user to return back to the previous mode within the fast navigation area. |
CalendarFastNavigation(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s fast navigation panel. |
CalendarFastNavItem(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s fast navigation area items. |
CalendarFastNavItemOtherPeriod(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s fast navigation area items that belong to the neighboring period. |
CalendarFooter(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s footer element. |
CalendarHeader(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s header element. |
CalendarMonthGrid(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a calendar grid element. |
CalendarToday(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Calendar control’s current day element. |
CalendarWeekNumber(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the calendar week number element. |
CheckBox(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to a Check Box control’s root element. |
CheckBoxList(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Check Box List control’s root element. |
ComboBox(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Combo Box control’s root element. |
DateEdit(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Date Edit control’s root element. |
DateEditTimeSection(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied the Date Edit control’s time section element. |
DropDownEdit(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Dropdown Edit control’s root element. |
DropDownWindow(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to an editor’s drop-down window element. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
Hyperlink(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Text Box control’s root element. |
IconBinaryImageDeleteButton(String) | |
IconBinaryImageOpenDialogButton(String) | |
IconCheckColumnChecked(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by a BootstrapGridViewCheckColumnBuilder‘s cell in the checked state. |
IconCheckColumnIndeterminate(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by a BootstrapGridViewCheckColumnBuilder‘s cell in the indeterminate state. |
IconCheckColumnUnchecked(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by a BootstrapGridViewCheckColumnBuilder‘s cell in the unchecked state. |
IconClearButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by an editor’s Clear button. |
IconDecrement(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Spin Edit control’s decrement button. |
IconDropDownButton(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by an editor’s dropdown button. |
IconEllipsis(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by an editor’s ellipsis button. |
IconFastNavBack(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Back fast navigation panel element. |
IconFastNavNextPeriod(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Next Period fast navigation panel button. |
IconFastNavNextYear(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Next Year fast navigation panel button. |
IconFastNavPrevPeriod(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Previous Period fast navigation panel button. |
IconFastNavPrevYear(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Previous Year fast navigation panel button. |
IconIncrement(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Spin Edit control’s increment button. |
IconLargeDecrement(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Spin Edit control’s large decrement button. |
IconLargeIncrement(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Spin Edit control’s large increment button. |
IconListBoxHideFilterButton(String) | |
IconListBoxShowFilterButton(String) | |
IconNextMonth(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Next Month button. |
IconNextYear(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Next Year button. |
IconPrevMonth(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Previous Month button. |
IconPrevYear(String) | The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Calendar control’s Previous Year button. |
IconTagRemoveButton(String) | |
Image(String) | |
ListBox(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the List Box control’s root element. |
ListBoxFilter(String) | |
ListBoxFilterEdit(String) | |
ListBoxItem(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the List Box item element. |
ListBoxSelectAll(String) | |
MemberwiseClone() | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
Memo(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Memo control’s root element. |
NullText(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to an editor’s Null Text element. |
ProgressBar(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Progress Bar control’s root element. |
RadioButton(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Radio Button control’s root element. |
RadioButtonList(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Radio Button List control’s root element. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
SpinEdit(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Spin Edit control’s root element. |
TagBox(String) | |
TagBoxInput(String) | |
TagBoxTag(String) | |
TagBoxTagRemoveButton(String) | |
TextBox(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Spin Edit control’s root element. |
TimeEdit(String) | Sets the name of a CSS class applied the Time Edit control’s root element. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
See Also