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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

IRuleSet.ValidateAllTargets(IObjectSpace, IEnumerable, ContextIdentifiers) Method

Silently (without raising the RuleSet.ValidationCompleted event and throwing the ValidationException) validates multiple targets and returns the result.

Namespace: DevExpress.Persistent.Validation

Assembly: DevExpress.Persistent.Base.v24.2.dll


RuleSetValidationResult ValidateAllTargets(
    IObjectSpace targetObjectSpace,
    IEnumerable targets,
    ContextIdentifiers contextIDs


Name Type Description
targetObjectSpace IObjectSpace

An IObjectSpace used by a validation target.

targets IEnumerable

The list of objects to check.

contextIDs ContextIdentifiers

The ContextIdentifiers object, which is a set of validation contexts for which rules will be collected. Default contexts are stored in the DefaultContexts enumeration.


Type Description

The result of the RuleSet validation.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to use this method to validate objects when an Action is executed:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Validation;
// ...
public partial class CustomValidationController : ViewController {
    public CustomValidationController() {
        SimpleAction validationAction = new SimpleAction(this, "ValidateBeforeSave", PredefinedCategory.Edit);
        validationAction.Execute += ValidationAction_Execute;
    private void ValidationAction_Execute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs e) {
        RuleSetValidationResult validationResult = Validator.GetService(Application.ServiceProvider)
            .ValidateAllTargets(ObjectSpace, ObjectSpace.GetObjectsToSave(false), ContextIdentifier.Save);
        ValidationResults obj = new ValidationResults(validationResult, base.Application.Model);
        bool flag = validationResult.State != ValidationState.Invalid;
See Also