Role Methods
An entity that defines the security role.Name | Description |
AddMemberAccessPermission(Type, String, String, String) | Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance. |
AddMemberAccessPermission(Type, String, String) | Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance. |
AddMemberAccessPermission<T>(String, String, String) | Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance. |
AddMemberAccessPermission<T>(String, String) | Adds the specified member access permissions to the Role instance. |
AddObjectAccessPermission(Type, String, String) | Adds the specified object access permissions to the Role instance. |
AddObjectAccessPermission<T>(String, String) | Adds the specified object access permissions to the Role instance. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
FindTypePermissionObject(Type) | Returns a TypePermissionObject object specifying type permissions for the given type, or null, if there is no such object in the Role.TypePermissions list. |
FindTypePermissionObject<T>() | Returns a TypePermissionObject object specifying type permissions for the given type, or null, if there is no such object in the Role.TypePermissions list. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
SetAssociationMemberPermissions(TypePermissionObject, SecuritySystemMemberPermissionsObject, String) | Sets the member permissions for associations. |
SetAssociationTypePermissions(TypePermissionObject, String) | Sets type permissions for associations. |
SetTypePermissions(Type, String, SecuritySystemModifier) | Sets type permissions for the specified business object type. |
SetTypePermissions<T>(String, SecuritySystemModifier) | Sets the permissions for the business object. |
SetTypePermissionsRecursively(Type, String, SecuritySystemModifier) | Sets the permissions for the target type and all its persistent descendants. |
SetTypePermissionsRecursively<T>(String, SecuritySystemModifier) | Sets the permissions for the target type and all its persistent descendants. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
See Also