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.NET Core 3.0+

XafApplication.CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace Event

Occurs when creating an Object Space for a Logon Window’s Detail View.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public event EventHandler<CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpaceEventArgs> CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace

Event Data

The CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace event's data class is CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpaceEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
LogonParameters Specifies the Security System‘s logon parameters.
ObjectSpace Specifies a custom Object Space to be used by the Logon Window’s Detail View.


Handle this event to specify a custom Object Space for a Logon Window’s Detail View. Pass the required Object Space as the handler’s ObjectSpace parameter. To see an example of using this event, refer to the How to: Use Custom Logon Parameters and Authentication topic.


The CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace event is not raised when the logon form is not created, e.g., when the AuthenticationBase.AskLogonParametersViaUI property is set to false.

See Also