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.NET 6.0+

ChangeVariantController.CurrentFrameViewVariantsManager Property

Specifies the ICurrentFrameViewVariantsManager object that provides available View Variants and changes the View of the current Frame.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ViewVariantsModule

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.ViewVariantsModule.v24.1.dll


public ICurrentFrameViewVariantsManager CurrentFrameViewVariantsManager { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An ICurrentFrameViewVariantsManager object that provides available View Variants and changes the View of the current Frame.


By default, this property is initialized with the CurrentFrameViewVariantsManager object.

To change the default value, implement a custom Controller and access this property in the overridden OnFrameAssigned method. The previous value of the this property can be disposed of either when a new value is assigned or when the ChangeVariantController Controller is deactivated, depending on the ChangeVariantController.IsCurrentFrameViewVariantsManagerOwner value.

See Also