ValidationModule Properties
The module contained in the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.2.dll assembly.Name | Description |
AdditionalControllerTypes | Contains manually specified Controllers to be loaded to the Application Model. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
AdditionalExportedTypes | Contains manually specified business classes to be loaded to the Application Model. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
AllowValidationDetailsAccess | Specifies whether end-users are allowed to view validation result details. |
Application | Provides access to an XafApplication object that can be used to manage the current application. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
AssemblyName | For internal use only. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Description | Specifies a textual description of a module. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
DiffsStore | For internal use. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
EnableControllersOnLogonWindow static | For internal use. |
EnableRuntimeRuleCache | Specifies if the Validation Module caches Rules from custom persistent Rule Sources. |
EnableRuntimeRuleDiscovery | Specifies if the Validation Module generates Rules from custom persistent Sources at runtime. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
IgnoreWarningAndInformationRules | Specifies whether or not Warning and Information type rules are ignored (see IRuleBaseProperties.ResultType). |
ModelDifferenceResourceName | This property is intended for internal use. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
ModelVersion | For internal use. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
ModuleManager | Provides access to the ApplicationModulesManager object, which contains information on the modules currenly added to the application. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
Name | Gets the full name of a module’s type. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
RequiredModuleTypes | Provides access to the collection of modules that are added to the current module via the Module Designer. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
ResourcesExportedToModel | Provides access to a collection of Resource Localizers used in the current module to extend the Application Model’s IModelLocalization node. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
UseCheckContextsAvailableControllerCacheCache static | |
UseInplaceEditorsValidationControllerCache static | |
UseRequiredFieldMarkControllerCache static | |
Version | Gets the major, minor, revision, and build numbers of a module’s assembly. Inherited from ModuleBase. |
See Also