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.NET 6.0+

CustomizeRulesEventArgs(XafApplication, List<IRule>, List<IRuleSource>) Constructor

Creates a new instance of the CustomizeRulesEventArgs.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.v24.1.dll


public CustomizeRulesEventArgs(
    XafApplication application,
    List<IRule> rules,
    List<IRuleSource> ruleSources


Name Type Description
application XafApplication

An XafApplication object that provides methods and properties to manage the current application. This parameter value is assigned to the CustomizeRulesEventArgs.Application property.

rules List<IRule>

A List<IRule> collection of additional validation rules to be used by the application. This parameter value is assigned to the CustomizeRulesEventArgs.Rules property.

ruleSources List<IRuleSource>

A List<IRuleSource> collection of additional validation rule sources to be used by the application. This parameter value is assigned to the CustomizeRulesEventArgs.RuleSources property.

See Also