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.NET Framework 4.6.2+

IActionContainer Members

Declares members implemented by Action Containers.


Name Description
Actions Provides access to a collection of Actions which are displayed by an Action Container.
ContainerId Specifies an Action Container‘s identifier.


Name Description
BeginUpdate() Prevents an entity implementing the ISupportUpdate interface from being updated until the ISupportUpdate.EndUpdate method is called. Inherited from ISupportUpdate.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
EndUpdate() Unlocks an entity implementing the ISupportUpdate interface after a call to the ISupportUpdate.BeginUpdate method, and causes an immediate update. Inherited from ISupportUpdate.
Register(ActionBase) Adds a specified Action to an Action Container‘s IActionContainer.Actions collection and creates its control.
See Also