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.NET Core 3.0+

ModificationsController Class

A ObjectViewController descendant that contains the Cancel, Save, SaveAndClose and SaveAndNew Actions.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v20.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public class ModificationsController :


The ModificationsController is intended for presenting the Cancel, Save, SaveAndClose and SaveAndNew Actions in Object Views.

In a Windows Forms application:


In an ASP.NET application:


For details on Cancel, Save, Save and Close and Save and New Actions, refer to the description of the ModificationsController.CancelAction, ModificationsController.SaveAction, ModificationsController.SaveAndCloseAction and ModificationsController.SaveAndNewAction properties that provide access to these Actions.

To customize the default behavior of these Actions, you can inherit from a platform-specific descendant of this Controller, or subscribe to its events. In addition, you can access the Actions to modify their behavior.

This Controller has descendants for Windows Forms, ASP.NET, and Blazor applications: WinModificationsController, WebModificationsController and BlazorModificationsController. Inherit from them if you need to implement a UI-specific behavior.

If you need to inherit from the ModificationsController, the following protected virtual methods are available for overriding:

Method When is it called? Description
Save Invoked as a result of executing the Save Action. Represents the Save Action’s SimpleAction.Execute event handler. Does nothing. Overridden in the Controller’s descendants.
SaveAndClose Invoked as a result of executing the Save and Close Action. Represents the Save and Close Action’s SimpleAction.Execute event handler. Does nothing. Overridden in the Controller’s descendants.
SaveAndNew Invoked as a result of executing the Save and New Action. Represents the Save and New Action’s SimpleAction.Execute event handler. Commits changes made to the current View’s object and executes the New Action, if it is available (see NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction).
Cancel Invoked as a result of executing the Cancel Action. Represents Cancel Action’s SimpleAction.Execute event handler. Does nothing. Overridden in the Controller’s descendants.
UpdateActionState Invoked as a result of changing the environment (e.g., the current object has been changed). Checks whether the active or enabled state of the Save, Save and Close, Save and New and Cancel Actions should be changed after the environment has been changed.

Public members are described individually in the documentation.

This Controller is activated for Object Views only. To ascertain whether the Controller is active, use the Controller.Active property. If you need to know the reason for its deactivation or activation at runtime, use the DiagnosticInfo Action.

Information on the ModificationsController and its Cancel, Save, SaveAndClose and SaveAndNew Actions is available in the Application Model‘s ActionDesign node. To access it, use the Model Editor.


See Also