SecuredXPObjectSpace Methods
An Object Space for XPO-based applications that use the Security System.Name | Description |
ApplyCriteria(Object, CriteriaOperator) | Filters a particular collection on the server side. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ApplyFilter(Object, CriteriaOperator) | Filters a particular collection on the client side. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CanApplyCriteria(Type) | Indicates whether collections of a particular type can be filtered on the server side. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CanApplyFilter(Object) | Indicates whether a particular collection can be filtered on the client side. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CanInstantiate(Type) | Indicates whether instances of a particular type can be created. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CombineCriteria(CriteriaOperator[]) static | Combines criteria operators passed as parameters. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CommitChanges() | Saves all the changes made to the persistent objects belonging to the current Object Space to the database. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CommitChangesAsync(CancellationToken) | Asynchronously saves all the changes made to the persistent objects belonging to the current Object Space to the database. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CompleteAllTasksAsync() | For internal use. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
Contains(Object) | Indicates whether a specified object belongs to the current Object Space. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ConvertExpressionsStringToExpressionsList(String) static | Returns the list of DataViewExpression objects converted from the passed semicolon-separated expressions list. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
ConvertSortingToString(IList<SortProperty>) static | Returns the string representation of a given sort list. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
ConvertStringToSorting(String) static | Converts the sorting string into the sorting list. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateByKeyCriteria(ITypeInfo, Object) static | For internal use. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateCollection(Type, CriteriaOperator, IList<SortProperty>) | Creates and initializes a collection of objects of the specified type, filtered according to the specified criteria and sorted according to the given sorting list. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateCollection(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Creates and initializes a collection of objects of the specified type, filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateCollection(Type) | Creates and initializes a collection of objects of the specified type. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateDataView(Type, IList<DataViewExpression>, CriteriaOperator, IList<SortProperty>) | Returns a list of data records retrieved from the database without loading complete business classes (a data view). Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateDataView(Type, String, CriteriaOperator, IList<SortProperty>) | Returns a list of data records retrieved from a database without loading complete business classes (a data view). Values in each data record can be obtained from specific business class properties directly, or be evaluated by the database server using complex expressions. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateInstantFeedbackCollection(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Creates an InstantFeedback mode collection that contains the specified type objects filtered according to the criteria. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateInstantFeedbackView(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateInstantFeedbackView(Type, ServerViewProperty[], CriteriaOperator) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateNestedObjectSpace() | Creates a nested Object Space. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateObject(Type) | Creates an object of the specified type. Inherited from CompositeObjectSpace. |
CreateObject<ObjectType>() | Creates an object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
CreateParseCriteriaScope() | Used when parsing a CriteriaOperator represented by a string and containing persistent objects. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateServerCollection(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Creates and initializes a new instance of the XPServerCollectionSource class with the current Object Space’s XPObjectSpace.Session and criteria-specific options. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateServerModeView(Type, ServerViewProperty[], CriteriaOperator) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateServerView(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
CreateSortingCollection(IList<SortProperty>) static | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
Delete(IList) | Marks the specified persistent objects and their aggregated objects as deleted from the database. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
Delete(Object) | Marks the specified persistent object and its aggregated objects as deleted from persistent storage. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by an XPObjectSpace object. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
EnableObjectDeletionOnRemove(Object, Boolean) | Enables/disables the deletion of persistent objects from the data source when they are removed from the specified collection. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Evaluate(Type, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) | Evaluates the specified criteria for business objects of the given type. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
EvaluateAsync(Type, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously evaluates the specified criteria for business objects of the given type. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FindObject(Type, CriteriaOperator, Boolean) | Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FindObject(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Searches for the first object of the specified type, matching the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
FindObject<ObjectType>(CriteriaOperator, Boolean) | Searches for the first object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, matching the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
FindObject<ObjectType>(CriteriaOperator) | Searches for the first object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, matching the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
FindObjectAsync(Type, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously searches for an object that matches the specified criteria. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FindObjectAsync<ObjectType>(CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously searches for an object that matches the specified criteria. The specified generic parameter determines the object’s type. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FindObjectAsync<ObjectType>(CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously searches for an object that matches the specified criteria. This object’s type is designated by the specified generic parameter. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FindObjectSpaceByObject(Object) static | Determines the Object Space used to load and save a specified persistent object. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FirstOrDefault<ObjectType>(Expression<Func<ObjectType, Boolean>>, Boolean) | Searches for the first object that matches the specified lambda expression. The generic parameter determines the object’s type. This method takes uncommitted changes into account. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
FirstOrDefault<ObjectType>(Expression<Func<ObjectType, Boolean>>) | Searches for the first object that matches the specified lambda expression. The generic parameter determines the object’s type. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetAssociatedCollectionCriteria(Object, IMemberInfo) | Returns the criteria applied to a specific object’s associated collection property. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetCollectionObjectType(Object) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetCollectionSorting(Object) | Returns the sort settings for a particular collection. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetCriteria(Object) | Returns the criteria used to filter a particular collection on the server side. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetCriteriaCompilerDescriptor(Type) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetDisplayableProperties(Object) | Gets the properties considered visible by the specified collection. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetEvaluatorContextDescriptor(Type) | Creates an instance of the EvaluatorContextDescriptor that is used to supply metadata on the specified type to the ExpressionEvaluator objects. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetExpressionEvaluator(EvaluatorContextDescriptor, CriteriaOperator) | Creates an ExpressionEvaluator object that is used to evaluate whether objects of the specified type satisfy a particular criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetExpressionEvaluator(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Creates an ExpressionEvaluator object that is used to evaluate whether objects of the specified type satisfy a particular criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetFilter(Object) | Returns the criteria used to filter a particular collection on the client side. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetIntermediateObjectReferences(Object, out Object, out Object) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetKeyPropertyName(Type) | Gets the name of the specified type’s key property. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetKeyPropertyType(Type) | Gets the key property type of the specified business type. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetKeyValue(ITypesInfo, Object) static | Returns the key property’s value of the specified persistent object. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetKeyValue(Object) | Returns the key property’s value of the specified persistent object. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetKeyValueAsString(ITypesInfo, Object) static | Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetKeyValueAsString(Object) | Returns the key property’s value of the specified object, converted to a string representation. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetListServer(Object) | For internal use. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObject(Object) | Retrieves an object from another Object Space to the current Object Space. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObject<ObjectType>(ObjectType) | Retrieves an object from another Object Space to the current Object Space. The returned object is cast by the type designated by the specified generic type parameter. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjectAsync(Object, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously retrieves an object that corresponds to an IObjectRecord wrapper or object from another Object Space. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectByHandle(String) | Returns the object with the specified handle. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjectByKey(Type, Object) | Returns the persistent object that has the specified value for its key property. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectByKey<ObjectType>(Object) | Returns a persistent object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, with the specified value for its key property. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjectByKeyAsync(Type, Object, CancellationToken) | Returns the persistent object that has the specified value for its key property. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectByKeyAsync<ObjectType>(Object, CancellationToken) | Returns the persistent object that has the specified value for its key property. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectHandle(Object) | Returns an object’s handle. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjectKey(Type, String) | Converts the key property value string representation into its actual type. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjects(Type, CriteriaOperator, Boolean) | Returns an IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space and filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects(Type, CriteriaOperator, IList<SortProperty>, Boolean) | Returns a sorted IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space and filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Returns an IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space and filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects(Type) | Returns an IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects<T>() | Returns an IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects<T>(CriteriaOperator, Boolean) | Returns an IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space and filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects<T>(CriteriaOperator, IList<SortProperty>, Boolean) | Returns a sorted IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space and filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjects<T>(CriteriaOperator) | Returns an IList collection of objects of the specified type, retrieved to the current Object Space and filtered according to the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjectsCount(Type, CriteriaOperator) | Returns the number of objects that satisfy the specified criteria. Inherited from CompositeObjectSpace. |
GetObjectsCriteria(ITypeInfo, IList) | Constructs a criteria that can be used to select the specified list of business objects. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetObjectsQuery<T>(Boolean) | Gets a queryable data structure that provides functionality to evaluate queries against a specific business object type. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectsToDelete(Boolean) | Returns a collection of persistent objects that will be deleted when the current transaction is committed, including objects that will be deleted in the parent transaction(s), optionally. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectsToSave(Boolean) | Returns a collection of persistent objects that will be saved when the current transaction is committed, including objects that will be saved in the parent transaction(s), optionally. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetObjectType(Object) | Returns the type of the specified business object. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
GetTopReturnedObjectsCount(Object) | Returns the maximum number of objects to be retrieved by the specified collection from a data store. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
IsAdditionalKnownType(Type) | For internal use. Use the IsKnownType(Type, Boolean) method instead. Inherited from CompositeObjectSpace. |
IsCollectionLoaded(Object) | Indicates whether a particular collection is loaded with objects from the database. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsDeletedObject(Object) | Indicates whether the specified persistent object is deleted. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsDeletionDeferredType(Type) | Returns a value that indicates if the deferred deletion is enabled for persistent objects of a given type. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsDisposedObject(Object) | Determines whether an object has been disposed of. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsIntermediateObject(Object) | Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsKnownType(Type, Boolean) | Checks whether the Object Space (or any Object Space from its AdditionalObjectSpaces collection) can handle objects of the specified type. Inherited from CompositeObjectSpace. |
IsKnownType(Type) | Returns the boolean value indicating whether or not the specified type is known by the BaseObjectSpace. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
IsNewObject(Object) | Indicates whether a specified object has been created but has not been saved to the database. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsObjectDeletionOnRemoveEnabled(Object) | Indicates whether the deletion of persistent objects from the data source when they are removed from the specified collection is enabled. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsObjectFitForCriteria(Object, CriteriaOperator) | Specifies whether the specified object satisfies the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
IsObjectFitForCriteria(Type, Object, CriteriaOperator) | Specifies whether a particular object satisfies the specified criteria. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
IsObjectToDelete(Object) | Indicates whether the specified object has been deleted but not committed in the transaction currently in progress. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
IsObjectToSave(Object) | Indicates whether the specified object has been added, deleted or modified, but not committed in the transaction currently in progress. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
LoadAsync(Object, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously loads the specified XPCollection collection. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ObjectKeyValuesEqual(ITypeInfo, Object, Object) static | Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
ParseCriteria(String) | Parses the specified criteria expression in the XPObjectSpace‘s XPObjectSpace.Session. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
PopulateAdditionalObjectSpaces(IObjectSpaceProviderService, IObjectSpaceCustomizerService) | Creates Object Spaces for registered Object Space Providers and adds them to the AdditionalObjectSpaces collection. Object Spaces in this collection are automatically disposed of with the owner Object Space. Inherited from CompositeObjectSpace. |
PopulateAdditionalObjectSpaces(XafApplication) | Creates Object Spaces for registered Object Space Providers and adds them to the AdditionalObjectSpaces collection. Object Spaces in this collection are automatically disposed of with the owner Object Space. Inherited from CompositeObjectSpace. |
PreFetchAsync(Object, String[], CancellationToken) | Asynchronously forces associated collection data loading and delayed property loading for specified parent objects. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
RaiseObjectPropertyChanged(Object, String) | This method is intended for internal use. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Refresh() | Updates the persistent objects belonging to the current Object Space. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
ReloadCollection(Object) | Clears a collection, and marks it to be reloaded with data from the database. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ReloadObject(Object) | Reloads the state of the specified persistent object and its aggregated objects from the data store. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ReloadObjectAsync(Object, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously reloads the state of the specified persistent object and its aggregated objects from the data store. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
RemoveFromModifiedObjects(Object) | Removes the specified object from the list of objects to be committed. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
Rollback(Boolean) | Cancels the changes made to the persistent objects belonging to the current Object Space. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
SetCollectionSorting(Object, IList<SortProperty>) | Applies the specified sorting to a given collection. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
SetDisplayableProperties(Object, String) | Sets the properties to be visible by the specified collection. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
SetModified(Object, IMemberInfo) | Sets the state of the specified object to be Modified. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
SetModified(Object) | Sets the state of the specified object to be Modified. Inherited from BaseObjectSpace. |
SetPrefetchPropertyNames(Object, String[]) | Loads specified delayed properties and child collections in each object of a given list. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
SetTopReturnedObjectsCount(Object, Int32) | Sets the maximum number of objects that can be retrieved from the specified collection in a data store. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ToListAsync<T>(Object, CancellationToken) | Asynchronously enumerates all elements in a collection and saves them to a list. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
TryGetObjectHandle(Object, out String) | Creates a handle for the specified object if this object is persistent and is not a new one. Inherited from XPObjectSpace. |
See Also