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.NET 6.0+

PermissionSettingHelper.AddTypePermission<T>(IPermissionPolicyRole, String, Nullable<SecurityPermissionState>) Method

Adds the type permission to the current role with the specified settings. If the permission for the given type exists already, then the settings if this existing type permission are altered.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.1.dll


public static IPermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject AddTypePermission<T>(
    this IPermissionPolicyRole role,
    string operations,
    SecurityPermissionState? state
    where T : class


Name Type Description
role IPermissionPolicyRole

An IPermissionPolicyRole object specifying the security role.

operations String

A string containing the semicolon-separated list of security operations. Operation names and their delimiter are defined by string constants declared in the static SecurityOperations class.

state Nullable<SecurityPermissionState>

A SecurityPermissionState enumeration value specifying if access is granted or denied.

Type Parameters



Type Description

A DevExpress.Persistent.Base.IPermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject object specifying the added type permission.

See Also