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.NET 6.0+

IsGrantedExtensions.CanNavigateByUser(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyUser, String, Object) Method

Gets the target object’s type and checks whether the specified user has a corresponding permission that allows navigation to the specified item. Do not use this method with the Allow/Deny Permission Policy.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.1.dll


public static bool CanNavigateByUser(
    this SecurityStrategy security,
    IPermissionPolicyUser targetUser,
    string itemPath,
    object targetObject


Name Type Description
security SecurityStrategy

A SecurityStrategy object that specifies an application’s Security Strategy.

targetUser IPermissionPolicyUser

An IPermissionPolicyUser object that is a user this method checks.

itemPath String

A String that is a path to a navigation item.

targetObject Object

An Object whose type this method gets to find a corresponding permission.


Type Description

true, if the specified user has a permission that allows navigation to the specified item; otherwise, false.


Use this method in applications with the obsolete Deny Permission Policy only. In applications with the Allow/Deny Permission Policy, use the CanNavigateByUser(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyUser, String) overload.

See Also