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.NET 6.0+

HasRightsToModifyMemberController Class

A ViewController descendant that makes Property Editors read-only or editable, dependent on the current user’s permissions.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.1.dll


public class HasRightsToModifyMemberController :


The HasRightsToModifyMemberController Controller is provided by the SecuritySystem module. It is activated for Detail Views. This Controller makes Property Editors read-only when the current user has no permission to modify the object displayed in the current Detail View. When a Property Editor represents a reference property, the Controller sets this editor as read-only, if the user has no permission to modify the referenced object.

By default, Property Editors states (PropertyEditor.AllowEdit properties) are updated when:

  • the HasRightsToModifyMemberController Controller is activated;
  • the object displayed in a current Detail View is changed (see View.CurrentObjectChanged);
  • an item is added to, or removed from the current Detail View.

If it is required to enforce the update, invoke the HasRightsToModifyMemberController.UpdatePropertyEditors method exposed by the HasRightsToModifyMemberController class.


See Also