ASPxPivotGridListEditor Events
Represents the pivot grid List Editor used in the XAF ASP.NET Web Forms applications.Name | Description |
AllowEditChanged | Occurs after the ListEditor‘s ListEditor.AllowEdit property has changed. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ControlDataSourceChanged | Occurs when the PivotGridListEditorBase.PivotGridControl‘s data source is changed. Inherited from PivotGridListEditorBase. |
ControlsCreated | Occurs after a ListEditor‘s control is created. Inherited from ListEditor. |
DataSourceChanged | Occurs after the ListEditor.DataSource property’s value has been changed. Inherited from ListEditor. |
FilterSettingsApplying | |
FilterSettingsSaving | |
FocusedObjectChanged | Occurs after the focused object has been changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
FocusedObjectChanging | Occurs before the focused object is changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelApplied | Occurs after the customizations from the Application Model have been applied to the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelApplying | Occurs when customizations from the Application Model are applied to the List Editor’s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelSaved | Occurs after the List Editor’s control customizations have been saved to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ModelSaving | Occurs when the List Editor’s control customizations are saved to the Application Model. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewObjectAdding | Occurs before a new object is created in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewObjectCanceled | Occurs after creation of a new object is cancelled in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
NewObjectCreated | Occurs after a new object has been created in a List Editor. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ObjectChanged | For internal use only. Inherited from ListEditor. |
PagerSettingsApplied | |
PagerSettingsApplying | |
PagerSettingsSaving | |
PrintableChanged | Occurs when the ASPxPivotGridListEditor‘s control is created and disposed of. |
ProcessSelectedItem | Occurs after an object is selected in the List Editor‘s control and an end-user presses Enter or double-clicks the object. Inherited from ListEditor. |
RequiredPropertiesChanged | Inherited from ListEditor. |
SelectionChanged | Occurs after the selection has been changed in a List Editor‘s control. Inherited from ListEditor. |
SelectionTypeChanged | Occurs after a List Editor‘s supported selection type is changed. Inherited from ListEditor. |
ValidateObject | Occurs when the object represented by the ListEditor‘s focused row must be validated. Inherited from ListEditor. |
See Also